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Rohloff Internal Hub Gears / Re: Standard shift cable in twist shifter?
« Last post by mickeg on Today at 12:28:39 pm »
I think I used cables that meet Shimano specification in my Rohloff shifter.  I am quite sure they are not the Rohloff ones.  Last time I changed cables, I made sure that I had a third one of the correct length to carry on tours, I do remember that.

I do not think they are the Campy ones, but I have a lot of Campy cables from a clearance sale several years ago since I have two bikes with Campy brifters.  So I might have used Campy?


I wrote this in July 2016 on this forum:

4.  When I changed the cables a couple days ago, I used standard 1700mm cables, I think they had the Shimano heads, the head was 4.3 mm in diameter.  I found that my cables were slightly too long.  Instead of cutting the cables shorter, I added about 1 to 1.5 cm of outer housing instead to get the cable length right.  (I used electrical tape to tape the housing together.)  This way, when I carry a spare cable, a 1700mm cable (hopefully?) will be exactly what I need without needing it cut.


Thorn General / Re: Thorn stem problems
« Last post by mickeg on Today at 12:23:07 pm »
I had a two bolt stem years ago, had trouble getting it tight enough so that my handlebars would not rotate in it, I used drop bars.  With my hands on the hoods, hitting a nasty bump could cause the bars to rotate in the stem.  Replaced it with a four bolt model.

Stems are available in silver too, you may have to pay a bit more for a polished silver one.  I have a silver one on my Sherpa.

Thorn General / Re: Thorn stem problems
« Last post by PH on Today at 11:21:33 am »
If the bars are exposed, creaking can be an early sign of cracks so an inspection would be good insurance.

Best, Dan.
Having had a handlebar snap*, no creaking beforehand, any creaking would give me serious cause for concern.  Creaking has to indicate some movement and there shouldn't be any. 
All my stem faceplates are four bolt, I'm not sure it makes much difference, but it can't do any harm. I think you might struggle to find a replacement in that size, most makes only go up to 120mm and 14 degrees is a bit unusual.  If you do go down the replacement route, you could calculate how different components would place the bar in the same position.

* I thought my bars snapping was a unique experience, but since found plenty of other examples. 
Thorn General / Re: Mercury Mk 2 frame replacement
« Last post by PH on Today at 11:02:18 am »
I love my 650B Merc Mk 3. On 48mm Rene Herse tyres it's swift, extraordiarily comfy, and secure.
I'm still curious to try my Mercury in 650B, I have everything I need, It just requires swapping the fork and wheel from the Nomad (They even have the same headsets).  I think what's stopping me is the thought I might prefer it...   
Non-Thorn Related / Re: NOT funny!
« Last post by energyman on Today at 09:46:29 am »
What isn't ?
Non-Thorn Related / NOT funny!
« Last post by Andre Jute on Today at 05:49:22 am »
Cycle Tours / Re: Kyushu, Japan
« Last post by Moronic on Today at 02:49:24 am »
Thanks so much for the detail on traffic, along with the rest. Interesting and fun.  :D
Thorn General / Re: Mercury Mk 2 frame replacement
« Last post by Moronic on Today at 02:45:33 am »
Thanks for giving us a sense of what's left, and some news on the replacement. Glad to hear you got what you needed.

I love my 650B Merc Mk 3. On 48mm Rene Herse tyres it's swift, extraordiarily comfy, and secure.

But I ride mainly gravel and paved cycle paths, a bit rough and with low average speeds.
Cycle Tours / Re: Kyushu, Japan
« Last post by Danneaux on Today at 01:13:51 am »
Absolutely wonderful photos and narratives, Ron; so enjoyable...educational, too!

Many thanks for favoring us with your trip account.

Best, Dan.
Rohloff Internal Hub Gears / Re: Standard shift cable in twist shifter?
« Last post by Danneaux on Today at 01:11:20 am »
To resolve minor fitting problems with leaded cable ends, I carry a small automotive ignition points file (Niehoff brand for the win!) as part of my kit, though even an emery board will get you most of where you need to be if there is a mismatch. Often, the molds for leaded ends can wear so a small amount of lead leaks out of the mold to produce sprue which inhibits a proper fit. Whisking that off can make for a better fit as can reducing the diameter.

Best, Dan.
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