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Bikes For Sale / ThornAudax Mk3
« Last post by lewis noble on Today at 08:46:23 PM »

In the near future, I will be putting my Audax size 555S up on here - hardly ridden it since the pandemic.  I will be outlining spec, photos etc., once I've cleaned it up.  In brief, Green, DT Swiss wheels, 853 forks, Tubus Ti rack, 3 x 10, 65mm cranks.  I'll be keeping my Sherpa!

If anyone interested in more info now, pm me. 

Lewis (Sheffield)
Cycle Tours / Re: Shimano UN55
« Last post by WorldTourer on Today at 08:37:53 PM »
Yeah, the UN55 BB's did last well. I have also been mighty impressed with the long lasting bearings in the FSA headsets Thorn fitted as standard.

Curious how headsets became an "install it and forget about it part" (a Chris King headset, or even those's FSA headsets, will probably last, without any maintenance, for longer than the average bicycle-traveler’s travel career), but BBs remain a source of worry. Of course, BBs are more susceptible to road salt, or water ingress during water crossings.

I got about 25,000 km out of the Shimano UN55 on my expedition bike before I ended up switching to different cranks and BB (Shimano XT and Hope, respectively). I then installed the Shimano BB on a bike for local use that probably did about 3,000 km before being sold.
Cycle Tours / Re: Shimano UN55
« Last post by brummie on Today at 07:24:56 PM »
Yeah, the UN55 BB's did last well. I have also been mighty impressed with the long lasting bearings in the FSA headsets Thorn fitted as standard.
Cycle Tours / Re: Shimano UN55
« Last post by RonS on Today at 12:23:35 AM »
My Raven has 31,000km and it’s still on the original.
Cycle Tours / Shimano UN55
« Last post by PRP on Today at 12:07:35 AM »
how many km [or miles] have you got out of a shimano UN55 bracket bearing before replacement was needed? thanks
Bikes For Sale / Re: Thorn Raven Sport Tour Black
« Last post by macspud on March 29, 2025, 04:47:18 PM »
I enquired and size added to listing (536S)
Bikes For Sale / Re: Thorn Raven Sport Tour Black
« Last post by in4 on March 29, 2025, 04:05:32 PM »
Is there a frame size stamped into the frame beneath the bottom bracket?
Luggage / Re: Will a Tubus Grand Expedition fit my bike?
« Last post by Thistler on March 29, 2025, 11:04:47 AM »
I have flat bars with a high angled stem, and a handlebar bag with a Rixan Kaul fitting that would keep it well out of the way of the rack.

I hadn't considered the v-brake cable getting in the way, so am very grateful for your advice!

Luggage / Re: Will a Tubus Grand Expedition fit my bike?
« Last post by mickeg on March 29, 2025, 10:38:49 AM »
If that rack is attached to the headtube, that may interfere with your V brake cable.  You might be able to make it work with a different noodle, but with the existing noodle I am fairly confident that it is not going to work.  It is not clear to me how that rack is attached to the headtube.

From the photo you provided of your bike, I am not sure if you have drop bars or flat bars.  Some of the newer bikepacking setups use a harness to attach a sleeping bag to the handlebars.  If drop bars, there is less room for bag width than with flat bars.

I take it that you do not plan to use a handlebar bag?
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