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Rohloff Internal Hub Gears / Re: Gears skipping in lower ratios
« Last post by mickeg on July 24, 2024, 12:52:45 pm »
Any good videos on adjusting and checking cable tension?

You do not need a video.  Just make sure that they are loose enough.  For example, if I am in gear 10, my shifter knob will easily turn from about 9.5 to 10.5 from the slack in the cables.

Adjusters are where the cables go into the EX box in back near the hub.

But if your slipping problem is specific to a few gears, this is unlikely to be the problem.

Not from any form of AI.
Rohloff Internal Hub Gears / Re: Gears skipping in lower ratios
« Last post by E-wan on July 24, 2024, 11:40:19 am »
Any good videos on adjusting and checking cable tension?
Rohloff Internal Hub Gears / Re: Gears skipping in lower ratios
« Last post by in4 on July 24, 2024, 10:38:16 am »
Slipping gears in a Rohloff Speedhub can be caused by several factors:

   1.   Incorrect Cable Tension: If the gear cables are not properly tensioned, it can lead to improper gear shifting and slippage. Make sure the cables are adjusted according to the manufacturer’s specifications.
   2.   Worn or Dirty Gear Cables: Cables that are worn, frayed, or dirty can cause poor gear engagement. Regular maintenance and replacement of cables can prevent this issue.
   3.   Improper Gearbox Maintenance: The internal mechanism of the Rohloff hub needs regular maintenance, including oil changes. Neglecting this can lead to wear and slippage.
   4.   Internal Wear and Tear: Over time, internal components of the hub may wear out, which can cause gears to slip. This typically requires professional inspection and potentially replacing worn parts.
   5.   Incorrect Shifter Position: If the shifter is not properly aligned or has moved out of position, it can result in incomplete gear engagement and slippage.
   6.   Contamination Inside the Hub: Water or dirt ingress into the hub can affect its performance, leading to slipping gears. Ensuring proper seals and regular maintenance can help prevent this.

Addressing these issues typically involves checking and adjusting the cable tension, inspecting and possibly replacing cables, ensuring regular maintenance of the hub, and making sure the shifter is properly aligned. If these steps don’t resolve the problem, it might be necessary to consult a professional bike mechanic or the manufacturer for further diagnosis and repair.

From ChatGPT
I use the Koolstop Salmon pads on a couple different bikes with normal rims but not on my CSS rims on my Nomad Mk II.

Very happy with the Salmon pads.

Luggage / Re: Options to add more handlebar/dashboard estate to fix stuff
« Last post by mickeg on July 24, 2024, 09:21:25 am »
I think you are asking about using the 55m Accessory T Bar for mounting a handlebar bag?

Did that on my Nomad Mk II.  I use drop bars.  See photo.  It is strong enough for my heavily loaded handlebar bag.

I have also used one on my road bike.  Second photo.

Rohloff Internal Hub Gears / Gears skipping in lower ratios
« Last post by E-wan on July 24, 2024, 08:53:57 am »

I'm heading out on a tour for a few days tomorrow and have taken my Mk 2 nomad (it's around 12 years old) for a test ride fully laden this morning.

I've noticed that the gears seem to be skipping in some of the lower ratios, particularly gears three and five.

I've always serviced the hub regularly and double flushed it with cleaning oil each time.

Any suggestions on what might be causing this what I might be able to do to remedy it or work around it before I leave tomorrow.


Luggage / Re: Options to add more handlebar/dashboard estate to fix stuff
« Last post by flocsy on July 24, 2024, 04:37:44 am »
Yes, this, or one of the similar T-shape bars. There are 55, 105, 172mm long and 0, 22, 45 degree angle. Maybe even more choices
I use these brake pads on the standard front wheels on my Mk2 Nomad and Mk2 Mercury and the rim wear is minimal.

On the Nomad I converted to disc at the back after the rim needed replacing but since discovering these SwissStop pads I’ve been contemplating going back to the V brake for ease of maintenance. Not tried the KoolStop Salmon ones that Dan recommends but might have a go sometime.
Thanks yes - have already got those swissstop blue ones for my current front CSS rim.

I want a Son dyno hub front wheel build now - and was hoping to have another CSS rim for that build - but it looks like it is now more practical to get standard braking surface on a new rim (and hence standard brake pads)

I use one with a sinewave USB Revolution. Works well for me. Particularly like being able to charge my Garmin GPS direct from it.
Thanks yes - have already got those swissstop blue ones for my current front CSS rim.

I want a Son dyno hub front wheel build now - and was hoping to have another CSS rim for that build - but it looks like it is now more practical to get standard braking surface on a new rim (and hence standard brake pads)
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