Author Topic: Rides 2014 -- add yours  (Read 116800 times)

John Saxby

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Re: Rides 2014 -- add yours
« Reply #150 on: May 12, 2014, 02:33:58 AM »
Y'know, guys, there's a line in the early pages of Thomas Flanagan's book The Year of the French, his account of the '98, where he says, "It was one of those days on the West Coast of Ireland when the entire world seemed to have turned to water." ... and to think people race bikes in such weather! 

Today being Mother's Day, Marcia & I rode down to Dow's Lake to look at the tulips -- our first warm day of the year, a nice 23 degrees, and sunny, with no bugs.  Yet.  Dow's Lake, btw, is a bulge in the Rideau Canal formed by what used to be a malarial cedar swamp, round about the '98, until in the late 1820's it was drained by Irish sappers working under the kindly direction of Col. John By, as part of the construction of the Canal between Kingston (on Lake Ontario) and the scruffy wee settlement that would later become Ottawa.  The tulips are a gift in perpetuity from the Netherlands--the Dutch royal family lived here during WWII, along with the Dutch government in exile.  I'd happily trade our tulip bulbs for a gift of decent cycling infrastructure...

Just one short ride with the Raven so far this year, an hour and a half up into the Gatineau Hills across the river this past Wednesday. But I hope to get a half-day next weekend. The foliage is about 3 weeks late, only now beginning to appear -- but I might get a foto or two next weekend. 


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Re: Rides 2014 -- add yours
« Reply #151 on: May 17, 2014, 03:15:47 PM »
All dressed up and ready to go ...... C to C charity ride from Watchet to West Bay for Somerset and Dorset Air Ambulance tomorrow and then East along the South coast to the Isle of Wight and back home over next week. I loaded the bike with all my stuff and rode it round the block ....a bit wobbley but I soon got used to it.....I've done 2500 miles on the Raven since I bought it last September but this is the first time I've been fully loaded.......... don't know if I'm anxious or excited. I'll post a link to the ride pictures when I get back next weekend.
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Re: Rides 2014 -- add yours
« Reply #152 on: May 17, 2014, 03:22:55 PM »
If you are interested It's 300 miles and fairly hilly  ;D
60 miles a day. The flags are my campsites and I'll spend a couple of days on the Island. Bit of a nostalgia trip as I spent my childhood in this area and visited the Island many times.
« Last Edit: May 17, 2014, 03:27:54 PM by FrogPrince »
Sell your Clothes but keep your thoughts.

John Saxby

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Re: Rides 2014 -- add yours
« Reply #153 on: May 17, 2014, 04:04:45 PM »
What a great ride, Colin -- enjoy, and I hope you have good weather for your view E & W over Lyme Bay on the Dorset coast.  Couldn't be sure from the map--will you have a downhill ride into Abbotsbury? Wise choice if so. Do give a nod to Corfe Castle for me if you're going S of the Purbeck Hills.

In late April I was visiting Somerset for a couple of days with our daughter, Meg--my aunt, her great-aunt, lives in Weston.  En route from Weston to Glastonbury, we stopped at a vegetarian bistro (foto attached) on the southern edge of Cheddar -- Cheddar being one of the places we used to visit ages back, when I was a wee kid living in Corfe & Salisbury. First-rate food, most of it locally produced.  Not sure how the Bistro's pastel wall would go with your splendid red Raven, but I have no hesitation in recommending the menu.

Safe journeys,



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Re: Rides 2014 -- add yours
« Reply #154 on: May 17, 2014, 05:45:06 PM »
That looks excellent, the bike looks great in red with your red panniers and glad to see the Click-Stand doing its job. I'm way over in New Zealand, but your journey looks excellent, so I hope we'll see lots of photos and write ups.
Best of luck
Tony NZ


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Re: Rides 2014 -- add yours
« Reply #155 on: May 17, 2014, 05:52:54 PM »
Hi Colin,

Looks like you will have fabulous weather for your charity ride tomorrow. I am cycling for Dorset and Somerset Air Ambulance when I do my John O' Groats to Lands Ends in August.

The Raven looks exactly as it should all loaded up and ready to go. I have yet to try my Sherpa loaded up, as I only have rear panniers at the moment and have got to get some front ones as soon as I have a little spare cash. I certainly don't notice the 1 rear pannier that I carry when I take the Sherpa to work.

That area around the South Coast tomorrow certainly is hilly but beautiful and it should be a great ride. I see you are using the chain ferry to cross at Sandbanks, great fun. The Isle of Wight caught me out when I took my 2 sons on our first little mini tour there. We cycled half way round and then stayed overnight in a hotel, then cycled the other half the next day. East side especially has some hills and we ended up going wrong and had to really pedal hard to catch the ferry back to Lymington.

You are probably passing fairly close to me on your return, though can't see enough detail on your map. I am in Gillingham, and if it had been a week later I would have said pop in for a cuppa as I would be on half term. Hope you have a great trip.

By the way, I really like the way you have your bars set up. My stem faces downwards slightly and I think I will possibly look at turning it over to give my bars a little more height and or raising the bar ends.


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Re: Rides 2014 -- add yours
« Reply #156 on: May 17, 2014, 08:49:33 PM »
What an excellent bike. Very smart looking.
I'm a Raven man as well. Same handle bars/position.
I like the look of the positioning for the front bag. I must look at lowering mine. At the moment it is high and easy to access.
Is it a problem having it further forward and lower?

Good luck with your trip.

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Re: Rides 2014 -- add yours
« Reply #157 on: May 17, 2014, 11:16:36 PM »
Is it a problem having it further forward and lower?
Works fine for me and access is very easy.
« Last Edit: May 17, 2014, 11:19:14 PM by FrogPrince »
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Re: Rides 2014 -- add yours
« Reply #158 on: May 18, 2014, 01:10:46 PM »

My MK 1 Nomad at Thurstason. My early morning ride starts at Seacombe and takes in New Brighton, West Kirby and Thurstason before heading off to Willaston and then home. Much of this ride follows the coast and The Wirral Way; best avoided at peak times. Here is a link:

I've just fitted some Thorn straight bars and Ergon GP5 grips so  fine tuning is in progress. The Brooks is hidden 'neath a gel seat cover as we are only just getting to know each other. The Moorhen just photobombed me!
« Last Edit: May 18, 2014, 06:28:10 PM by in4 »

Andre Jute

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Re: Rides 2014 -- add yours
« Reply #159 on: May 18, 2014, 09:05:17 PM »
The Brooks is hidden 'neath a gel seat cover as we are only just getting to know each other.

A shy Brooks!

The Moorhen just photobombed me!

Bloody critics are everywhere! Never mind, I think it is a fine photograph.

John Saxby

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Re: Rides 2014 -- add yours
« Reply #160 on: May 19, 2014, 03:08:09 PM »
...and a very smart black-and-silver colour scheme!


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Re: Rides 2014 -- add yours
« Reply #161 on: May 19, 2014, 09:00:57 PM »
Took the trusty Red RST around the Lakeland 200km audax on Saturday. A fine day out !


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Re: Rides 2014 -- add yours
« Reply #162 on: May 19, 2014, 09:02:34 PM »
Oh & the descent down to Buttermere:  :o

John Saxby

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Re: Rides 2014 -- add yours
« Reply #163 on: May 21, 2014, 10:53:09 PM »
Across the River & into the Hills

This past Monday was the first really splendid day in this Year of the Late Spring, sunny and warm with a fresh breeze from the NW. It was also Victoria Day, our quirky archaic nod to a 19th-century imperial queen whose name pops up in many Canadian towns and cities. Having been chained to my desk for most of the past couple of weeks, I decided to saddle up Osi and take my first ride of the year across the Ottawa to West Québec and up to Champlain Lookout in the Gatineau Hills. This is my standard ride away from the city, a nice 60-70 km round trip (depending on the loops) up to the Lookout at 300-some metres, with a grand view from the escarpment northwest back across the river. The hills are forested, a mix of deciduous trees—maple, birch and beech, in the main—and conifers, pines and spruce. There’s water everywhere, spring streams and lakes. We’re so privileged to have this year-round mini-paradise for cycling, hiking, skiing, snowshoeing, camping and paddling; with some good Québecois cafés within easy reach as well.

The combination of the brilliant weather and the public holiday meant that I had to contend with a bit more motor traffic than usual, though I’d guess that there were at least as many cyclists on the roads as drivers.

The first stop is a lookout over Pink Lake, named after a settler in the early 19th century. The lake is deep and cold—a month ago, there’d have been ice here:

The most beautiful of the woodland flowers is the trillium, Ontario’s symbolic flower (and the model name of my canoe) but common on the Canadian Shield in Quebec as well.  Here’s a cluster:

Each plant blooms only once every seven years, so it’s rare to see a dense carpet of them. White is the default, but one occasionally sees a deep maroon-claret bloom. Lovely sight on a spring hillside:
Champlain Lookout is about an hour and a half from my house, more if you pause for the trillium fotos. There’s a couple of good informative plaques, one of which recreates the view westwards out over the river as it might have been some 11,000 years ago, after the ice had retreated. Thus:

Today, the same landforms are visible:

 Hard to imagine that the spot where I was standing was, back in the day, under more than a mile of ice, in the form of the Laurentian/Wisconsin Glacier:

The bike enjoyed its rest in the sunshine, oblivious to the weight of history all around:
(The passers-by, I was pleased to see, were also oblivious to Osi, maybe stunned by the warmth & the return of the sun, but completely uninterested in my so-obviously-a-touring-bike, despite its trick hubs.)

The ride back to town is always enjoyable, especially the back way past the ski club on the north slope, a sustained downhill which is also used for a serious uphill time-trial route by The Plastic Bike Brigade. My freewheel made a terrific clackety-ratcheting high-pitched buzz in 13th and 14th, and the bears stopped their snuffling and foraging among rotten tree stumps and ran for cover. Well, maybe they didn’t – I didn’t actually see any bears, but had there been bears, it’s entirely likely that they would have fled:  bears are smart creatures, they know which side of their toast has the honey, and I think they’d be plenty quick to bail out from an otherwise inviting hillside at the sound of a large, fast and angry swarm of African killer bees coming down the hill. Come to think of it, that’s probably why I didn’t see any…

The big river is very high this year, with spring rains and late snowmelt upstream, so the bikepath on the Québec side is now very close to the stream:
Lovely ride, and the bike was once again very comfortable. Judging by the gears I needed (unloaded) for the steeper bits of the Gatineau, Osi & I will manage OK with a full load of camping gear on the tougher hills in the region.
« Last Edit: May 21, 2014, 11:00:49 PM by John Saxby »

Andre Jute

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Re: Rides 2014 -- add yours
« Reply #164 on: May 22, 2014, 01:45:59 AM »
Amazing photos, Brummie and John. Keep 'em coming!

I'm almost over the shock of Brummie's elevation...