Author Topic: Club Tour frames still available?  (Read 47596 times)


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Club Tour frames still available?
« on: October 14, 2013, 11:47:47 PM »
I was just perusing the Club Tour frames on the SJS site but some sizes/colours don't seem to be available. Is this because it isn't the normal route to buy a frame (i.e. you order it through Thorn) or is it due to something else?

Any info appreciated!


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Re: Club Tour frames still available?
« Reply #1 on: October 15, 2013, 08:10:25 AM »
hmm, when I phoned to ask about sizing six months ago, it was hinted that they were bringing out a new club tour, ( I seem to remember something about disk brakes?). Maybe they are running down stock before the change?

Chris M

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Re: Club Tour frames still available?
« Reply #2 on: October 15, 2013, 09:05:15 AM »
I just bought a club tour frame; size 517L, they had 3 in stock at the time.

Dave Whittle Thorn Workshop

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Re: Club Tour frames still available?
« Reply #3 on: October 15, 2013, 11:44:07 AM »


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Re: Club Tour frames still available?
« Reply #4 on: October 15, 2013, 12:07:33 PM »

Thinking along similar lines my opinion is a different type of Club Tour maybe disc brakes which goes against everything the designer has always said, or oblivion for this model! However another opinion says that Thorn are Rohloff and nothing else matters anymore except maybe Sherpa and Audax.
I have a gripe about the sales speak from Andy Blance. For example he states no toe overlap with Audax Mk 3. I defy him and no matter which cycling shoe I wear there is some toe overlap. The other gripe I have are his statements that his bikes are the best built ever and best value.
I own a number of Thorn bikes, I have no particular complaint as I own them because I like them and the bikes suit me. I do not however believe that Thorn bikes are the best to be built or to buy, I do not believe that the bikes sell because of the overbearing advertising but in spite of it! Thorn should start advertising in CTC Magazine and other magazines and not rely on Rohloff output because surely one day customers for that type of heavyweight bike will dry up? I do not know if other bikes are better or better value, I do know that the service from St John St Cycles is generally second to none!


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Re: Club Tour frames still available?
« Reply #5 on: October 15, 2013, 12:20:58 PM »
Thinking along similar lines my opinion is a different type of Club Tour maybe disc brakes which goes against everything the designer has always said, or oblivion for this model! However another opinion says that Thorn are Rohloff and nothing else matters anymore except maybe Sherpa and Audax.
I have a gripe about the sales speak from Andy Blance. For example he states no toe overlap with Audax Mk 3. I defy him and no matter which cycling shoe I wear there is some toe overlap. The other gripe I have are his statements that his bikes are the best built ever and best value.
I own a number of Thorn bikes, I have no particular complaint as I own them because I like them and the bikes suit me. I do not however believe that Thorn bikes are the best to be built or to buy, I do not believe that the bikes sell because of the overbearing advertising but in spite of it! Thorn should start advertising in CTC Magazine and other magazines and not rely on Rohloff output because surely one day customers for that type of heavyweight bike will dry up? I do not know if other bikes are better or better value, I do know that the service from St John St Cycles is generally second to none!

Hi John, I pretty much agree with everything you say here.

Thorn should start advertising in CTC Magazine

SJSC used to carry large adverts in every issue of the CTC magazine.  Coincidentally, if memory serves me correctly that stopped after a review of the Club Tour by Chris Juden of CTC ... this was followed up in the next magazine with a letter of complaint from Thorn and the CTC magazine response ... then no more adverts in CTC magazine.

« Last Edit: October 15, 2013, 12:23:06 PM by Relayer »


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Re: Club Tour frames still available?
« Reply #6 on: October 15, 2013, 12:38:00 PM »

Hi John, I pretty much agree with everything you say here.

SJSC used to carry large adverts in every issue of the CTC magazine.  Coincidentally, if memory serves me correctly that stopped after a review of the Club Tour by Chris Juden of CTC ... this was followed up in the next magazine with a letter of complaint from Thorn and the CTC magazine response ... then no more adverts in CTC magazine.


The CTC Magazine review by Chris Juden was complete rubbish in my opinion. I actually wrote and told him so. No response from him. The factors he mentioned in particular were strangely toe overlap! I defy anyone to get toe overlap on a Club Tour.
Thank you for your kind comments of agreement also. I had wondered if I had spoken out of turn...


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Re: Club Tour frames still available?
« Reply #7 on: October 15, 2013, 12:49:54 PM »

Is there supposed to be a post here? Mine is blank.


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Re: Club Tour frames still available?
« Reply #8 on: October 15, 2013, 12:58:01 PM »
A club tour with discs would almost definitely be my next bike if they were to do one. I understand the rhetoric behind not having discs on touring, but a bike used predominantly in Europe or America where spares are readily available or around the UK where the flight transport problem is not going to be an issue I think discs make a lot of sense, especially if you have clearance for some large (50mm) tyres...


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Re: Club Tour frames still available? Audax size tyres also!
« Reply #9 on: October 15, 2013, 05:44:41 PM »
 :) Sorry thids is in the wrong place! But someone asked about tyre sizes for an Audax Mk 3. I can tell one and all that 32mm Conti Top Touring tyres fit! Tight, but they fit.
Discs on any Thorn would be an abomination the last time I read any of Andy Blance musings!

Blue lotus

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Re: Club Tour frames still available?
« Reply #10 on: October 16, 2013, 03:14:55 PM »
Interesting discussion here. I just thought about a proper hydraulic-(please)-disc-braked commuter bike this morning while fighting wind and downpour on my way to work.

I cycle everyday a Specialized Langster and depsite its lightness, it's not famous for its braking capability when it rains... Discs would make sense sometimes, especially in unpredictable heavy traffic. The Sherpa is only when the weather is really really bad or when it's shopping day  ;).



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Re: Club Tour frames still available?
« Reply #11 on: October 16, 2013, 04:41:43 PM »
For me the benefits of discs of better modulation of stopping, better stopping with a load, better all weather stopping outweigh the downsides which as I see it are
extra weight - its a tourer, I dont care about weight
aerodynamic penalty - its a tourer I dont care about aerodynamics
possibility of damage in transit - Im touring in the UK, from either my doorway or somewhere I can get to in a train. If its damaged its my fault!
Lack of spares - Im touring in the UK.
Brake fade - I think is probably a bit of a red herring, especially if you alternate braking down a hill between front and back brakes.

For other people I can see how their results would differ.

It does get rid of one sight benefits of the canti's I currently have though, which squeal like a bugger and very effectively announce my presence to stupid pedestrians who step into the cycle lane... ;)


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Re: Club Tour frames still available?
« Reply #12 on: October 16, 2013, 06:44:15 PM »
I've checked with Thorn and there is indeed a new frame on the way hence the running down of stocks. I'm not completely fussed myself about discs but I can see why it is almost impossible nowadays for any manufacturer not to offer them.


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Re: Club Tour frames still available?
« Reply #13 on: October 16, 2013, 09:28:51 PM »
Disc or not? I'm assuming without any prior knowledge that there will probably be a disc mount on the chain stay but no forks for discs.

out of interest what is the weight of a club tour frame and forks?


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Re: Club Tour frames still available?
« Reply #14 on: October 17, 2013, 08:13:18 AM »
 :) I thought that might cause a bit of interest. I have to say that i was equally surprised when I heard this on the phone as i have also read all the marketing blurb ( which i really quite enjoy if not whole heatedly believe 100%). However, the Mercury is available with a rear disc brake is it not?

This may all turn out to just be a complete memory failure on my behalf : time will tell

In the meantime CSS rims with modern V brakes give me the modulation and braking power i need with no maintenance. Having used disc brakes on mountain bikes i can't say that i am convinced of their superiority.