Author Topic: best defence against midges please.  (Read 14761 times)


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Re: best defence against midges please.
« Reply #15 on: August 10, 2012, 07:34:55 PM »
ref the DEET - does anyone want a pair of foggy spectacles !

And (in my sad, sad experience over the years):
- Watch crystals
- Compass domes
- Camera cases
- Handlebar tape
- GPS housings
- Cell phones
- Bike computers
- Bell ringers
- Food packaging/zip-top bags
- Urethane coating on raingear
- Helmets and helmet buckles
- Cable housing (as when pulling the rear derailleur back to change a tire)

Fingers O' Death to anything plastic, if coated with 100% DEET.  :'(

Kinda makes a head-net seem less inconvenient by comparison.  :-\




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Re: best defence against midges please.
« Reply #16 on: August 10, 2012, 08:08:45 PM »
Good stuff so ;)


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Re: best defence against midges please.
« Reply #17 on: August 10, 2012, 09:33:43 PM »

I use Avon skin so soft but I hear there is a new product called smidge (smidge that midge) that's supposed to be good.





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Re: best defence against midges please.
« Reply #18 on: August 12, 2012, 05:45:57 AM »
quick question whats the Best defence against midges when camping/ touring. ;)

Camping in a windy place is the best, as Midges do not like wind!  ;D
If you have to stop to eat, It's best to walk and eat at the same time!
Touring just ride fast!  ::)
I'm lucky (Not?) to have not only come across Midges in New Zealand, But also Lappland! (I was driving Tour Bus's  ;D)
Head net's are good to a point! But drinking and eating are hard with one on?

« Last Edit: August 12, 2012, 05:49:11 AM by NZPeterG »
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Re: best defence against midges please.
« Reply #19 on: August 21, 2012, 09:23:38 PM »
Suggest buying Skin So Soft on ebay or similar.
Once you are in a midge area the shop prices are expensive for the same product.


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Re: best defence against midges please.
« Reply #20 on: August 21, 2012, 09:45:39 PM »
A 12 guage. Turn it on yourself if you miss the flies.

Midges drove my old man to smoking a pipe, the WMD potential of which is grossly underestimated (by those who do so).



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Re: best defence against midges please.
« Reply #21 on: September 23, 2012, 01:07:56 AM »
1. PERMETHRIN  - it is a repellent for clothing NOT skin.  It is simply fantastic stuff but a difficult to find (Lifesystems market it as EX4) You spary your cloths once and it lasts for the whole expedition / tour.
Permethrin doesn't so much repel the little blighters as kill them. It also kills cats and anything aquatic, so don't cuddle cats or go paddling if you've treated your clothing.
The normal use in the UK is for treating hiking socks & trousers to kill ticks before they bite.
I got some to paint in the top of my tent to make the post-zip up killing round easier, but haven't yet done so.


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Re: best defence against midges please.
« Reply #22 on: September 23, 2012, 01:38:22 AM »
Permethrin...also kills cats and anything aquatic

So the catfish are goners?  ;)

No fooling, this is a very useful caution, as so many things we take for granted can harm our animal pals -- aspirin, chocolate, and also pest controls that are apparently safe for us (but not them).

I have been seriously considering a buff that has been treated with permethrin, but I am having second thoughts, as there will be a number of occasions where I will have it configured as a balaclava, coveriing my mouth and nose to keep out blowing dust in the desert.

Hmm. I need to give this some more thought; the little blurb telling about it on the buff site mentioned it was good through as many as 70 (!) washings. That has to be pretty stout stuff.

Thanks again for the animal cautions, Andrew.


Dan. ("no flies on me" might have new meaning here...)


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Re: best defence against midges please.
« Reply #23 on: September 23, 2012, 01:46:34 PM »
I use SMIDGE. Developed in Scotland and the only stuff I've tried that actually works -
Kevin K. Glasgow


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Re: best defence against midges please.
« Reply #24 on: September 23, 2012, 03:07:09 PM »
I took SMIDGE to the Grampian Rally this year.
On the evening walk around Templars Park I was popular with the other cyclists as I shared it out, but not popular with the midges!


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Re: best defence against midges please.
« Reply #25 on: September 26, 2012, 12:05:39 PM »
Permethrin doesn't so much repel the little blighters as kill them. It also kills cats and anything aquatic, so don't cuddle cats or go paddling if you've treated your clothing.
The normal use in the UK is for treating hiking socks & trousers to kill ticks before they bite.
I got some to paint in the top of my tent to make the post-zip up killing round easier, but haven't yet done so.

Yep totally agree with the above - it is nasty stuff - but it does work really well! Most mozi nets are impregnated with Permethrin for this reason.  My personal experience has found it excellent.  To date I haven't seen anyone have a skin reaction to cloths treated with Permethrin.  On  the other hand I have seen skin reactions to DEET.

I like the tip for the tent!  I will be doing this soon!! 



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Re: best defence against midges please.
« Reply #26 on: September 26, 2012, 12:23:58 PM »
1st of stay indoors!

2nd harding up!

Just go cycling and then go to the Pub!

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John Saxby

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Re: best defence against midges please.
« Reply #27 on: January 12, 2013, 02:06:16 AM »
I live in a place (the Ottawa Valley) that has bugs in the summer, lots of them, vengeful creatures.  I've hiked the West Highland Way, and I'm told it's bad for midges; I didn't find them to be such a problem. People who know about all these things say that Winnipeg has the worst mozzies in the world; and then others say, nah, it's Yukon. 

Then there are black flies, the worst of the lot.



John Saxby

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Re: best defence against midges please.
« Reply #28 on: January 12, 2013, 02:17:52 AM »
Hi folks,

My thread just vanished, so in case it happens again, here's my two-part conclusion, based on years of interaction with bugs on the Canadian shield--a more serious problem than midges, from my more limited experience in the Scottish Highlands:

1)  DEET works well, BUT is carcinogenic and destroys nylon, so keep it away from tents, clothing, etc.  Maybe use it sparingly on cotton clothing.  Handy to keep around as it's highly flammable & will light a fire in the rain if you have a reliable source of flame.

2)  Best non-DEET item I've ever used is called "Skeet-Addle".  This is as effective a repellent as DEET, smells nice, & is non-toxic, though it doesn't last last quite as long between applications as does DEET.  You can get it from a home business in Whitehorse, Yukon.  Go to one of the best URLs in the world:  www,  Bev Smith sells cosmetics based on natural oils and recipes from indigenous peoples. My daughter introduced me to Aroma Borealis when she was working in Yukon.  I find the spray version off Skeet-Addle works best, though the cream version is nicer on the skin, if one is a member of the Celtic diaspora & susceptible to dry skin.

Pls greet bev for me when you're in touch,

Good luck,

John Saxby

PS: Of course, you can save yourself a lot of trouble by just ignoring the wretched things--but given the choice, I'd go for Skeet-Addle.


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Re: best defence against midges please.
« Reply #29 on: January 12, 2013, 06:45:42 AM »
I live in a place (the Ottawa Valley) that has bugs in the summer, lots of them, vengeful creatures.  I've hiked the West Highland Way, and I'm told it's bad for midges; I didn't find them to be such a problem. People who know about all these things say that Winnipeg has the worst mozzies in the world; and then others say, nah, it's Yukon. 

Then there are black flies, the worst of the lot.



Ha, Have you been to Lapland!
mozzies are big and try to eat your food (and you) before you do!
Only way to stay away from them is to keep moving.

The trouble with common sense is it is no longer common[

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