Author Topic: best defence against midges please.  (Read 14762 times)


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best defence against midges please.
« on: August 07, 2012, 10:24:02 PM »
quick question whats the best  defence against midges when camping/ touring. ;)


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Re: best defence against midges please.
« Reply #1 on: August 07, 2012, 11:28:09 PM »

People say to use skin-so-soft and citronella sprays, I've found they help a bit but not great either. Maybe DEET stuff is more effective but probably not too good health-wise.

Some tips I've found useful.... a bit of wind (slightly more than a breeze) should take them away, so maybe camp in a bit more of an exposed location or up on high ground. Don't camp too near lakes or open water. And shut the inner mesh net on your tent as quickly as you can! Oh and being close to a fire seems to keep them away. I've seen people wear midge head nets but they're a bit awkward.

Good luck, looking forward to more suggestions


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Re: best defence against midges please.
« Reply #2 on: August 08, 2012, 05:43:31 AM »
Hi jags!

Darragh has done a good job covering most of the common approaches, and there's not much to add. As for myself, I have decided to take a mosquito net and drape it over my helmet while taking my next ride through Eastern Oregon's Malheur Game Refuge. Last time through, I swear the mosquitoes intended carrying me off to their young. As I headed into Burns, the leading sides of my forearms were completey gray with them, and inhaled them till I gagged and spat them out again. They wadded up drowned in the corners of my eyes. They got in my ears and screamed, then I did the same.

Never again!

Hence the mosquito net for the helmet. Getting bitten to death is one thing...getting the little evil-doers trapped in my helmet vents is exquisite agony for my bald noggin; that's where the netting comes in. The thing squashes down to fit in a repurposed earbud pouch, so: Very Small.

The net I got is by Coughlan's of Canada, shown here:
They do whole-body mesh suits (jacket and pants), too:

Ah, but this is War, and war is never pretty, so the headnet protection will be hardened with a heavy dose of my new Picaridin bug spray. Unlike my usual 100% DEET (you bet I'm still going to carry it! War, remember?), it promises "...insect repellent without the odor. Won't harm plastics. Not greasy or oily. Won't damage synthetic materials".  My current choice is Cutter Advanced Insect Repellent in a 1 oz. pump dispenser, as available here:  Picaridin has just recently become available in the States, but I understand it has been available for some time in Australia and Europe, where it has been found to be effective, so you'll likely find other brands there.

I also found the little buggies would swarm and bite my back in the lee of my own headwind as I rode along. I couldn't reach around and slap them off with any effectiveness, and hills were agonizing. As soon as I slowed or stopped, they were on me. I promised my kingdom and firstborn (both yet to materialize) for a naptha-fueled flamethrower, all to no avail. Next time, I'll treat my jersey to a good spray of Picaridin first and hope for the best. If not that, DEET it is.

Around camp..boy. That's a tough one if the bugs are as thick as they were outside Frenchglen. Once in the tent, I could slap them into oblivion (they were wanting out by the time I got their numbers down to a mere 30 or so...), but outdoors while cooking? I gave up on warmed food one night and went with a couple of energy bars, eaten in the mesh shelter of my inner tent. Nasty little things!  Bathroom time in the Great Outdoors was something else.  My! I think I set new records for speed and efficiency in operations and execution.

So, give the newer, non-DEET repellents a try as well and see how they do. My early tests with this one look very promising, and it is so nice I won't have to worry about clouded compass crystals, spoiled map cases, and sticky handlebar tape as with DEET.  The net is a pretty nifty thing, too, and well worth it for the size and weight while riding through midge swarms or in camp. Combine the two for relative bliss; that's what I'm planning.

All the best,

Dan. (whose vocabulary of choice in such conditions is "Yaaaaaaaaaaaah! 'Skeeters!" Yaaaaaaaaaaaah!" [repeat])


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Re: best defence against midges please.
« Reply #3 on: August 08, 2012, 06:17:54 AM »
Oh! More tactics...I almost forgot this one, probably 'cos I have never used it...

Last time I was getting a cavity filled, my dentist and her assistant were visiting about this topic as she drilled. The assistant asked if I had ever chewed match-heads.  "Ahhhhh-ah-ah-ahhh" was the best I could manage at the time, meaning "No, 'can't say as I have".

It seems her brother was just home from the Army, where he served in the Middle East near a river estuary full of reeds and mosquitoes. Apparently, all his platoon members had taken to chewing on match-heads, and when he was home on leave, he told his sister. After some skeptical banter, she followed his advice, went camping in early spring snowmelt amidst clouds of mosquitoes and midges and is now a believer. Accoriding to Those Who Know, the resulting sulphur content in the match-chewer's system repels the bugs.

That might be the least of their troubles.

While it made entertaining fare as my filling set up, I'm inclined to go with this doctor's advice and avoid it:

Anyone had good luck with this somewhat unorthodox insect repellent?




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Re: best defence against midges please.
« Reply #4 on: August 08, 2012, 06:43:49 AM »
quick question whats the best  defence against midges when camping/ touring. ;)

I carry a large hammer.
Never drink and drive. You may hit a bump  and spill your drink


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Re: best defence against midges please.
« Reply #5 on: August 08, 2012, 06:48:54 AM »
I carry a large hammer.



Dan. (looking at common hand tools in a whole new light...)


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Re: best defence against midges please.
« Reply #6 on: August 08, 2012, 01:15:17 PM »
keep the car door closed and stop messing around on bikes?

Personally i find that the various lotions and potions are not all that effective to start with and get even less so as soon as my sweat glands see a hill coming. The avon stuff supposedly stops them biting but doesn't stop that horrible itchy, i'm covered in midges feeling. I reckon the best bet would be a mosquito head net such as recommended by dan and some long mosquito prof gloves if you can find them ( Apart from that long lightweight trousers, Long sleeve top and try and keep in the wind and the rain.

Maybe as a community we could work towards getting one of these powered by hub dynamo


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Re: best defence against midges please.
« Reply #7 on: August 08, 2012, 02:32:20 PM »
i was watching a programme on moonshiners  ;D ;D
 these guys were hiding well into the forest for obvious reasons ;D ;D
but there defence against the midges was Mouthwash. has anyone tried this wonder does it work 8)


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Re: best defence against midges please.
« Reply #8 on: August 08, 2012, 07:54:34 PM »
I bought a can of DEEP WOODS OFF ! extra strength in Vancouver as instructed by our Canadian host.  It frightens the hell out of English bugs. 


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Re: best defence against midges please.
« Reply #9 on: August 08, 2012, 11:42:28 PM »
Skin so Soft is good and not unpleasant to put on.

A midge net for head cover if around a camp site or sitting somewhere is reccommended as well.


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Re: best defence against midges please.
« Reply #10 on: August 09, 2012, 02:04:11 PM »
....eating lots of raw garlic (will keep anything away!) and vitamin B tablets apparently. Also if you have someone with you who the midgee's are more fond of then they'll be diverted from you!! You have to put up with the other person moaning though.. hehe!


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Re: best defence against midges please.
« Reply #11 on: August 09, 2012, 02:33:59 PM »
hah i could think of one perticular person i would like to share a midge storm with ;)


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Re: best defence against midges please.
« Reply #12 on: August 10, 2012, 09:51:16 AM »
quick reply to a quick question. In order of effectiveness best to worst

1. PERMETHRIN  - it is a repellent for clothing NOT skin.  It is simply fantastic stuff but a difficult to find (Lifesystems market it as EX4) You spary your cloths once and it lasts for the whole expedition / tour.
2. DEET - I hate this stuff. Keep it away from plastic at all costs! (it melts it as I found out to my cost)  but I can not deny it does works.
3. Head net.  Great for when the midges are out in a clouds thick enough to darken the sky but also a pain to use.   


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Re: best defence against midges please.
« Reply #13 on: August 10, 2012, 07:16:56 PM »
ref the DEET - does anyone want a pair of foggy spectacles !


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Re: best defence against midges please.
« Reply #14 on: August 10, 2012, 07:23:56 PM »
thanks everyone might tri lifesystems that stuff should kill the little blighters. ;D