Swislon - So far I quite like the bar ends, I don't think they give any advantage in climbing but they do give an alternative hand position which helps prevent aches & pains. I've never been a fan of traditional bar ends in the past, but decided to get these as an experiment, OK so far. I haven't had any issues with brake modulation, they seem just fine.
I also went for a 35+ mile ride today, though I hadn't planned on doing more than 20 miles, but unfortunately the train times didn't work out well so I decided to cycle all the way home. One of the most noticeable aspects of the bike is its silence, sure you get some gear noise but there is none of the rattles & chain slap you usually get when going over bumps.
I reckon I spend about 90% of the time in the upper seven gears, about 5% of the time in gear 7 and the other 5% in the lower gears. On the one hand its a shame that when I need to use the lower gears, it tends to e gear 7 that is most used but on the other hand the use will hopefully encourage it to bed in quickly. Gear 6 is very quiet and gears 1 - 5 seem OK but I don't seem to need to use them much.
geocycle - I'm not sure if there are any performance benefits from having the brakes mounted on the rear of the fork, but you certainly get neater cable routing with V brakes. Until recently, I hadn't realised that in many other countries, the front brake is operated by the left hand brake lever, so most front V brakes are designed for cable routing to the left hand lever, hence the awkward routing you get when the brakes are mounted on the front of the forks on UK bikes.