Hi All!
Sometimes, a person grows tired of just listening to music while cycle-camping and it would be nice to have an alternative.
I just found a trove of CBS Radio Mystery Theater episodes, dating from 1974-1982 in 1399 individual episodes. More about the show here:
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CBS_Radio_Mystery_TheaterIn 1974, I was 14 and my family was in the midst of 6 years deliberately without television. When these started, I was absolutely captivated and caught nearly every episode. When I heard the creaking-door intro and E.G. Marshall's voice, I knew I was in for a treat. My local CBS radio affiliate dropped them after a couple years, and I had no idea there were more episodes.
They're now in the public domain.
These are in tidy 50-show downloads of 500MB or less in MP3 format and run 41-55 minutes in length, so very convenient for transfer to an MP3 player for enjoying while in a tent or working. Audio quality is not the best, but some include commercial advertising that seems quaint and charming when heard today. I'm hoping they are still as good as the Young Me thought. There's other radio archives at the link below, including live performances by Grace Potter and the Nocturnals and a huge collection featuring the Grateful Dead.
https://archive.org/details/cbs_radio_mystery_theaterAn alternative site allows online streaming or download of individual episodes and includes an episode guide:
http://www.cbsrmt.com/The similar Sears Radio Theater episodes can be downloaded here:
https://archive.org/details/OTRR_Sears_Radio_Theater_SinglesTorrents are also available at some of the links above, allowing for much faster mass downloads.