Finally, for my first trip in US, i plan to hike the PCT (Pacific Crest Trail). ...
My first thing to do is probably to find can gaz for my stove and by something to eat for fews days and why not to find a place to sleep at Los Angeles or San Diego for 1 or 2 nights.
My questions are where can i to find can gaz easily ? and which type of food should be great for my hike (light, caloric, quick to cook) ?
Most common store recommendation you likely will hear is REI, they are a big camping chain. They are officially a coop, not a retail store, but going in a store you would likely never know the difference. You do not have to be a member to shop there.
https://www.rei.com/search?q=butane+canistershttps://www.rei.com/stores/mapYou asked about Gaz. When I see that word, I think of the French canisters that are unthreaded. If you have the stove for that, you might need a different stove. See attached, canister on the left is unthreaded and you are unlikely to find any canisters sold in USA like that. Most stoves sold in USA will be like the threaded one on the right in the photo, or those on the REI page, link above. I took that photo 8 years ago in anticipation of such questions.
I only know of two stoves that will work on both the threaded and unthreaded canisters, both of those stoves are rare, it is unlikely you have that stove.
I think officially you are not allowed to carry a butane canister onto a train in USA. But, I have done it repeatedly, they do not check like they do at airports. So, if you buy one before you get on the train, do not let anyone see you have the canister. I assume you will carry all of your luggage onto the train, no checked luggage.
Type of food, what have you used for backpacking before? I would expect the same fare here. I usually do not use freeze dried due to high costs, but I suspect much of what I use for backpacking is similar to what you have used in other locales.
West Coast, a common grocery store chain is Safeway. If you shop there, you should get a membership (free) so you can get the sale prices. There are several other stores, but I think that Safeway are the most common in urban areas. Rural areas, I do not know what is most common.
I would expect along the Pacific Coast Trail, that there are stores in the communities near the trail that stock butane canisters since a lot of people hike it and there likely is plenty of demand for canisters.
I know nothing about PCT, but I have backpacked other places, second photo is me this past September.
If you have a Sawyer water filter or one that is similar, I suggest frequent backflushing. I have met many people on the trails that have trouble with those filters, solely because nobody told them they need to be backflushed. I have had no trouble with my Sawyer, but I frequently backflush it.
If you plan to bring a phone and buy a sim card here, this may help you figure out which networks your phone will work with.
https://www.frequencycheck.comHave a great trip. I live thousands of miles from the trail, so I have no first hand knowledge of it, so can't answer detailed questions, but generic questions I may be able to help.