Author Topic: Weight limit on Karrimor Uplift?  (Read 9221 times)


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Weight limit on Karrimor Uplift?
« on: May 03, 2021, 04:52:15 AM »
Hi All!

Does anyone know/remember what the upper weight limit was on the Karrimor Uplift saddlebag support?

I have two Uplifts..and two Carradice Camper Longflaps -- thank you again to Forum member JulK for one. :)

For those unfamiliar, the Carradice bags' upper straps attach to the little frame of the Uplift, then the two tabs on the middle rail of the frame engage the bag loops on a Brooks saddle. The whole lot is secured with the usual lower strap that goes from the bag 'round the seatpost.

These Karrimor Uplifts are sure convenient and the hold the saddlebag so it doesn't hit the back of my thighs and the bag essentially "drafts" me in the windstream. Off the bike, they Uplift rotates to serve as a carry handle. My only concern is the amount of torque they place on the saddle frame's bag loops -- I'd sure hate to trade convenience for an early saddle frame failure. ::) I do have some clamp-on saddlebag loops that would substitute for the Brooks ones,oriented differently but might work:

I'm looking to carry about 6.5kg _in_ the bag; basically, my ultralight camping setup shown here:

Thanks in advance for any insights on the upper weight limit. Rualexander? I remember you use one...




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Re: Weight limit on Karrimor Uplift?
« Reply #1 on: May 03, 2021, 07:35:23 AM »
A Google search may have just answered my question...

Carradice make a "Carradice Classic Saddlebag Rack" that is functionally the same as my Karrimor Uplift -- fits the same way in the Brooks saddle's bag loops, anyway.

They say it has a "Maximum recommended load of 6kg". See:

Still interested to see how much people have loaded on these things.


« Last Edit: May 03, 2021, 07:38:12 AM by Danneaux »

B cereus

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Re: Weight limit on Karrimor Uplift?
« Reply #2 on: May 03, 2021, 09:01:17 AM »
I was about to draw your attention to the 6kg limit of the Carradice product but you beat me to it. A word of warning here, I've seen reports of these uplifts damaging the saddlebag loops on Brookes Cambium saddles, which have aluminium  cantle plates.

I'm sure you're aware that Carradice also make various other saddlebag supports and attachment systems. I can recommend the  Bagman which is rated to 10kg. Load capacity can be further increased with the optional support struts. My Bagman also has the quick release saddle clamp which makes fitting and removing the bag even more convenient.


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Re: Weight limit on Karrimor Uplift?
« Reply #4 on: May 03, 2021, 11:18:31 AM »
After at least 25 years I'm still using the Kwiklift made by W.G. Lord on 3 of my bikes. This is no longer available but could be copied by someone with good DIY skills.

I haven't photographed my own, but photos from the CTC forum are still visible by scrolling down on this link I first posted in 2016:

I never think about the weight, but I have probably been over 6 Kg on occasion. The Kwiklift clamps onto the saddle rails. On two of my bikes the saddles are the titanium version of the B17, on the other bike I have an old B66 Champion saddle with the softer springs, I had to modify the uplift to fit on that.

I reckon a Kwiklift copy should be fine with a 6 Kg load on a steel-railed Brooks B17.


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Re: Weight limit on Karrimor Uplift?
« Reply #5 on: May 03, 2021, 11:52:49 AM »
I use the Carradice version on my Brompton (as it's so easy to remove the bag to fold the bike) and have carried well in excess of 6kg without any problem, on a Titanium frame B17.

I'd agree that the Bagman is a bettter solution, which is what I have on my Nomad - the uplift has come out of the saddle loops once on a rough descent!


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Re: Weight limit on Karrimor Uplift?
« Reply #6 on: May 03, 2021, 10:30:00 PM »
Hi All!

Thanks for the feedback and suggestions. It pretty much confirmed my thinking about maximum limits and their possible effect on the saddle's bag loops.

I'll be looking at alternatives. All of my bikes have Brooks saddles, (custom) brackets for Ortlieb underseat bags, and five have suspenson seatposts, so I'll need to think about a solution compatible with all. One possibility is the nylon boat cleat that twists into place between the saddle rails, then self-centers. I'm not sure how noisy or stable this would be, so I will need to look more closely.




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Re: Weight limit on Karrimor Uplift?
« Reply #7 on: May 04, 2021, 04:06:12 AM »
Bit off topic but I did wonder how well a Camper  Longflap would sit across the top of panniers. I’m suspecting that the saddle loops would not be secure enough and that additional straps would be necessary.


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Re: Weight limit on Karrimor Uplift?
« Reply #8 on: May 04, 2021, 05:54:30 AM »
Bit off topic but I did wonder how well a Camper  Longflap would sit across the top of panniers. I’m suspecting that the saddle loops would not be secure enough and that additional straps would be necessary.

I tried that a long time ago, and used bungee cords to secure it. But in that configuration the only advantage I could see from using a Carradice saddlebag was the relatively good waterproofing. A waterproof Ortlieb bag works just as well and can carry more stuff. Or a (not too huge) regular rucksack, which is more useful if doing fixed-centre touring with some walking involved.

Most of the time I use a saddlebag in either/or mode with respect to panniers. Saddlebag if the load will fit in it, reasonably fast removal is then a requirement, as in the rare cases where I leave the bike locked up somewhere I then take ALL the luggage except water bottles (i.e. one saddlebag) with me. If I need more space, in order of volume:

- a pair of medium rear panniers,
- medium rear panniers plus front panniers OR large rear panniers without anything else,
- medium rear panniers plus front panniers plus luggage strapped onto the rear rack OR large rear panniers plus front panniers,
- large rear panniers plus front panniers plus luggage strapped onto the rear rack,
- large rear panniers plus medium rear panniers carried on the front rack plus luggage strapped onto the rear rack.

I have only ever needed the last configuration for local utility trips. And for exceptional loads, depending on the weight, size and awkwardness of the load I also have the additional option of a large two-wheel trailer, which has carried maximum loads of 500 litres or 130 kg (not at the same time)


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Re: Weight limit on Karrimor Uplift?
« Reply #9 on: April 26, 2023, 09:43:24 AM »
These 'uplifts' will bend and eventually break your saddle loops.

Use mine with Barley bag with around 2-3kg weight mostly, but have on a couple of occasions used it with Super C bag with 6kg.

Certainly don't use these style 'uplifts' if you're doing anything off-road or bumpy.


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Re: Weight limit on Karrimor Uplift?
« Reply #10 on: April 27, 2023, 01:33:36 PM »
I wondered...
My only concern is the amount of torque they place on the saddle frame's bag loops -- I'd sure hate to trade convenience for an early saddle frame failure.
...and Rual answered with a cautionary photo and post showing this might happen when heavier loads are combined with rough roads over time...
These 'uplifts' will bend and eventually break your saddle loops.


Thanks, Rual; sorry this happened to you but grateful for the data point. I can see the uplifts being okay for smaller bags and lesser loads on generally smooth roads, but that wouldn't be my intended use.

Best, Dan.


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Re: Weight limit on Karrimor Uplift?
« Reply #11 on: April 27, 2023, 05:09:35 PM »
If your goal is only to push the bag back further so that the bag does not hit your legs, I use a stem with appropriate shim on the seatpost, and a short piece of dowel in the stem (sprayed black) to hold my Carradice bag further back.

Showing it from two angles, which happen to be on two bikes.

The weight is still on the saddle loops or in my case the springs since my Brooks Conquest lacks loops, but there is no "torque" on the saddle.

Since there is no significant weight on the stem, if you lack a shim of the correct size, you might be able to get by with a piece of plastic or scrap sheet metal that is not the perfect thickness.