I have been out of town bike touring, thus missed the past three weeks of banter on the Rohloff. Early in this thread, there was mention of water intrusion into the hub. If you mix oil and water and provide a lot of mechanical mixing, it can form a viscous emulsion. And the water will continue to corrode and rust things in that scenario. I never did figure out how the water was getting into my Triumph T100R gearbox, but every gear oil change, the emulsion was thick and poured out of the drain hole pretty slowly. The internal parts were pretty rusty too, but fortunately it kept running for the 12 years that I rode that bike.
Three years ago I met a gal that had been touring for seven consecutive years. She estimated that her (non-Rohloff) bike had 100,000 km on it. She cited how many times various parts of the bike had been replaced, I think the frame was the only thing still original.
I would be pretty unhappy if Rohloff told me that I had submerged my hub when I had not. But on the other hand if it had gone 90,000 km before the second time that the internals needed replacement, I would be pretty happy. I needed major engine work with a similar distance on my Jeep pickup truck and my Land Rover D2.