Hi Doug
Once I understood that the Tubus Airy was not going to fit out-of-the box, things got a little bit easier. I decided that in order to fit properly, it will have to be mounted approximately 1 inch forward of the threaded eyelets in the frame. So, I rumaged about in my bike spares cupboard and luckily found two little brackets (I can't remember what they were originally used for). I will attempt to attach a photograph of what I did so you should be able to see how I used the brackets to position the rack slightly forwards.
I have also managed to re-fit the mudguards. However, I don't think I have done it in the way it is intended. I think you are supposed to attach the mudguard spurs to the uprights of the rack with special clips but I didn't have any such clips so I just bolted the spurs into the remaining hole in the rack. Again, I hope you can see on the photograph.
At the end of the day, I have so many nuts, bolts, washers and brackets holding the whole ensemble together that the super-light rack probably weighs twice as much now! It's rather messy too. I may be tempted to get a rack that has been designed more specifically for this bike like the one shown in Dan's photo. You can see Dan's is much neater and tidier. On the other hand, I might be tempted to ditch the disk brake. It's the first time I've had disk brake and, so far, it's done nothing but get in the way.
Apologies if I haven't used all the correct vocabulary but I hope you get the gist.
I had to make the photo quite small for it to be accepted. If you can't see sufficient resolution, let me know and I'll post the full size image somewhere else for you to look at.