After a very enjoyable and informative visit to SJS last week (thank you Steve), I am now on the lookout for a Thorn Sherpa. I have posted an ad in the Wanted section, but I am aware that there is little chance of a 2nd hand bike in my size appearing. It was confirmed at the visit, that I have a short arm measurement and that is why I am struggling with my Dawes Galaxy and it's drop bars. I will unfortunately have to sell my Galaxy and replace it with a better fitting bike. The 500s framed Sherpa is my ideal size and this would be fitted with straight bars and bar ends.
If I were to to bite the bullet and somehow raise the funds to purchase a new Sherpa, are there any must have additions I should be looking at putting on the bike at the time of purchase, or can I just take my time and have everything retro fitted as and when the extra cash comes along. There were so many things I had to try and decide on at the time for Steve to draw up a quote for me. I intended to leave the bike pretty much at the basic spec apart from adding Ergon GP5 grips, a pretty basic set of pedals, brooks b17 saddle and I will needs racks of some sort. Tubus or Thorn racks? Which do people rate and do they fit easily onto the Sherpa.
Also I notice that the Sherpa has now become 10 speed, which I am not too sure about. Does anyone have any experience with 10 speed and are there any benefits/disadvantages over 9 speed. I have been advised Schwalbe Dureme 2.0 tyres which looked huge, but they are meant to run well on tarmac and provide some grip off road. Ultra wide gearing range and of course for me RED.
It is a very exciting time for me, but also a pretty scary thought about handing over such a huge amount of money (to me anyway) I know I will use the bike a lot including hopefully my JOGLE later this year and I feel that this would be an ideal bike to use as I would not have to worry about taking the bike on towpaths, rough routes etc. Any thoughts from Sherpa users would be much appreciated.
Many thanks.