Hi. A recent issue arose on replacing my socket with a new one, and i thought that people ought to be aware.
i had reversed my socket quite some time ago because the teeth had become quite worn on one side. Reversing it corrected the problem, and obviously extended the life of the item significantly.
However, be warned.. If you allow too much time to elapse prior to replacing the socket with a totally new one, you could well face the same problem as me - ie, the cog teeth had become so worn that they were very weakened, and the chainwhip, when applied with the necessary force to remove the cog, began to snap off the teeth of the cog one at a time.
What was almost a disaster was rescued when the cog did finally loosen before the cog was irretrievably weakened by tooth loss thus preventing the use of a chain whip.
i would add that this near catastrophe was entirely my own doing - i had definitely waited for far too long before fitting a new cog, but its the sort of job that is easy to overlook, especially because we are so unused to having to perform any maintenance thanks to Rohloff and Thorn!
So, i would recommend keeping a pretty close eye on the state of your rear cog once you have reversed it. Better safe than sorry.