After advice from Jags and Dan I did contact SJS and my suspicions have been confirmed that the bike will be too small
Instead they recommend a 510 in the Mk2 Sherpa and a 500 in the newer Mk3. So Jags, you were spot on. Maybe we should rewind the clock so you can put yours up for sale again and I could buy it from you. It was a lovely bike (do prefer the red though) and had everything on it that I would consider myself. You also had some brilliant camping kit to go with it too. I agree with you about the Club Tour, I get the feeling that this is the Thorn's version of the Galaxy and I would also be the 517L.
I will probably go to my local LBS and seek their advice about putting butterfly bars on my galaxy to see if it helps at all. As Dan says, it does at least tell you more about what you want from a bike each time you alter it. I keep thinking its probably just because I need to build up my core strength, but I have now done 1000 miles on the Galaxy since August. It's fine for the first 25 miles or so, but then I get some aches and pains across my shoulders, mainly my right shoulder. It doesn't help that I also got a lovely honey Brooks Flyer for Christmas, which I am also in the process of breaking in.
I am enjoying the cycling on a "larger scale" though. The longest ride to date is 53 miles when I took the train to Axminster and rode back home. Pretty hilly area is Axminster and I was shattered when I got home, but overall very pleased that I made it. The recent weather has stopped me from riding so much with the high winds and torrential rain, but I am going to have to really rack up the miles if I am to complete LEJOG or JOGLE this August. I am in the lucky position to be able to take most of August to do it though, so no huge mileage days. I completed a short tour (the Wiltshire Cycleway) a while back to test out the bike fully loaded with camping gear and found that fine (120 miles in 3 days) I will also be camping on the LEJOG so will be carrying a bit of weight.
Good luck in your search Jags, wouldn't it be great if we could just go and buy 4 or 5 different bikes and just choose which 1 to ride depending on where and what we are doing, instead of trying to find 1 that will do it all.