Well Sjs have a frame to fit me so i just need to get the rest of the money together to buy the damn thing.What i need to buy extra is
Brake Leavers ?
Dropbars 44 silver?
Matching stem 80mm (silver chrome ?
V-Brakes sorted.as is the rest of the build i will be taking everything off the raleigh and swapping over

when i do eventually buy the frame i want to keep it as chrome looking as possible .
i have no idea what colour the frame is i never thought to ask

i'm a geek i know but i dont want to ask Dave again i think i will only drive the man mental with questions.
big thanks to everyone who gave me a dig out on this new bike JIM /DAN , i have a guy dead interested in buying my guitar so if he buys i'll have that dream bike on the road in jig time.but i aint holding my breath on the sale of guitar only when money is in my hand

so lads what bars and stem and leavers is gonna be the dogs.