Thanks, Dan. Don't often hear Noo Yawk accents 'round these parts, 'cept when my wife does her A-grade mimicry, acquired from long years of immersion in the Upper West Side...
Observation: His opening comment (just have a better lock than the next bike) reminded me of my anti-car-theft strategy from my years in Africa: park next to a Benz. (Similar to: you don't have to outrun the bear, you only have to outrun someone else in your hiking group.)
The serious question, though: Are there any locks that work reasonably well as a deterrent? Any answers out there?
My strategy is never to entrust to a lock, any bike that I really don't want to lose -- say, my Eclipse or my Raven in-the-making. On my city bike (a 20-year-old MTB), I use a cheapo (symbolic) lock & use the bike mainly for errands in the neighbourhood -- even at that, I rarely leave it outside & under lock for more than 30 minutes or so, and hardly ever leave it "locked" when I go downtown. (This, in a city where the majority of its inhabitants live a fairly comfortable middle-class life.) I don't worry about my city bike--I could live without it, but replacing it would be a hassle. I treat bikes like the Eclipse or the Raven differently -- they live in my basement, not the garden shed. When I'm using them, I don't let them out of my sight, and rarely stray far from them unless they're tucked in a safe room.