Ooooh! Shudder! Dan, get your psychic tentacules out of my brain hole. My guard was down while I was up a ladder wrapping the house in tin foil to prevent the Google - CIA nexus mining my big data and in you popped. In reply to Swilson's thread "Which Thorn?" You suggest a 29er Thorn may be the need of the hour, much as I have also been thinking of late.
Rather than pitch in on another's thread I thought I'd chuck this up in the air.
I'm considering a new bike for exclusively MTB duties. I'm up for fettling as much as anyone but the half hour or so either side of off road riding needed to get the Catalyst configured with sus forks and knobblies is becoming a bit tedious. A bike I can just jump on and ride should make it more likely that I do just that.
I'll keep the Catalyst for the daily commute, allotment trailer hauling and touring.
I've ridden the local trails on a mate's 29er and found it a most agreeable experience, once I'd overcome the vertigo and mopped up the nose bleed, so I think they may be the way to go.
Exhaustive research has thrown up very few contenders in the Steel Rohloff compatible corner: might do, but sliding dropouts are a drawback (pun intended) and the split seat stays are scarier than the elevated position.
One entry in the 'hoff serial number registry peaked my interest, Wheezy's bespoke 29er; doubtless too spenny to be a realistic option, alas.
It seems that there is at least a tiny dent, if not quite a gaping hole, in the market into which a 29er Enduro would ideally fit. There you go Andy Blance, I've done my bit, now get to work.
Thorn seem to have backed out of the exclusively MTB market, the Enduro, Catalyst and Sterling are discontinued. Possibly due to market saturation by a rash of booteek steel hardtails. A steel Rohloff driven 29er, designed for trails and day long XC, with an EBB and the kind of detailling that Thorn do as standard is the kind of offer just not currently available, I think.
An idea worthy of the Thorn name or an affront to decency?
Yours, James