My CSS Andra 30 rims have only about 1,000 km on them, so I can't speak to longevity. But I am happy I got them. They are very heavy however. But if you are comparing non-CSS to CSS, I assume the weight is nearly the same.
I have not yet used them in the rain, but I am quite happy with dry performance.
I am using the Ritchey brake pads. If you are comparing initial costs, do not forget to factor in the additional cost of brake pads on a new installation with CSS rims.
I do not have any Aluminum Oxide that on my other bikes often coats my rims, brakes, brake pads, and if I touch my wheels - coats my hands.
On my bikes with plain rims, I often sand off the Aluminum Oxide coating off of my brake pads. I think that has helped with rim longevity, I have never completely worn out a set of rims. Aluminum Oxide is extremely abrasive and when you get a heavy layer of that on your brake pads, I suspect that it wears down the rims faster.
I built up my 36h CSS wheels myself, not SJS. I specified in my purchase order one rim drilled for Rohloff, when they arrived one rim had a tag attached labeled Rohloff drilling.
The rims were labeled Ryde, not Ridgida. Apparently there is a name change.