Does anyone else bother to try to improve things or is the hassle and lack of response not worth the effort?
Yes, in answer to both questions.
Like you, Andy, I do try. And, having tried, I've found my efforts seldom meet with success.
However, lack of immediate results is no reason to abandon the Cause. You've taken a giant step in actually doing something concrete with a targeted approach, and it is surprising how that effort can comprise one more brick on the load toward the critical mass necessary to compel action. I've so often found my one.single.effort didn't bear fruit immediately, but in time, added to the weight of others, I could feel proud I added my voice and had a part in effecting positive Change.
On the greater number of occasions when nothing seems to happen in response, I am still content at having tried; trying does count for something in the greater scheme of things.
So, don't be disheartened if nothing seems to come of this right away or -- seemingly -- at all. These letters to Corporate do go into files somewhere, and even if you fail to receive a reply, you've registered your concerns. Good on ya!
Dan. (...who still believes the pen is often mightier than the sword, but nowhere as often or effectively as when that pen is wielded by Andre Jute)