Thankfully the road rules in Victoria are pretty clear and allow for safety of all road users.
On keeping left (for all vehicles):
129 Keeping to the far left side of a road
(1) A driver on a road (except a multi-lane road) must drive as near as practicable to the far left side of the road....
......130 Keeping to the left on a multi-lane road
(1) This rule applies to a driver driving on a multilane road if—
(a) the speed-limit applying to the driver for the length of road where the driver is driving is over 80 kilometres per hour; or
(b) a keep left unless overtaking sign applies to the length of road where the driver is driving.
"As near as
practicable to the far left side" does not mean
always on the left edge. All sorts of
practicable reasons dictate this should not be the case at all times - turning right, moving around obstructions, potholed or dangerous left edge, insufficient room to share a lane..... even drivers driving too close/fast because they regard you as
off the road.
There is no requirement for cyclists to keep left
within a lane on a multi-lane road.
On ovetaking:
140 No overtaking unless safe to do so
A driver must not overtake a vehicle unless—
(a) the driver has a clear view of any approaching traffic; and
(b) the driver can safely overtake the vehicle....
.....144 Keeping a safe distance when overtaking
A driver overtaking a vehicle—
(a) must pass the vehicle at a sufficient distance to avoid a collision with the vehicle or obstructing the path of the vehicle; and
(b) must not return to the marked lane or line of traffic where the vehicle is travelling until the driver is a sufficient distance past the vehicle to avoid a collision with the vehicle or obstructing the path of the vehicle.
Safety is a strong theme you'll notice. A pity that more drivers don't take greater note of this. By riding wider I've found that this encourages drivers to overtake more safely by changing lanes fully to do so, rather than lane splitting/lane sharing with insufficient space.
If you have a look at the
Yutube video "The Rights and Duties of Cyclists", or the
Commute Orlando Youtube channel, you'll see plenty of info on cycling and the pluses of claiming the lane. It is the US of course but still of great relevance.
I find this to be safer road positioning:
than this:
In particular, here in Australia, even on many country roads the safest way to deal with large trucks is to show that you are on the road (where they should overtake safely by moving over) than to hug the road edge and risk them squeezing you off by overtaking at speed as if you were not there.