Yeah, it is a nice puzzle, how to live in a way that helps promote general planetary welfare, trying to participate as little as possible in the on-going destruction of societies, eco-systems, etc.
I amaze myself with all the contortions and absurdities I catch myself up in. I am convinced that the most important direction to work in is LESS. For example, it is nice to build a house with all sort of environmentally friendly materials and good insulation to burn less fuel to heat etc. But the biggest factor is just to reduce the size of the house!
I am convinced that I could live very happily with just a few possessions, ah, if they are just the RIGHT possessions. I could have just maybe two or three shirts, if they were just the right shirts. But I never seem to find just the right shirts. I will buy a couple shirts that seem to have all the right qualities to be just the RIGHT shirts, but very quickly I see that they actually aren't quite up to snuff and I find that maybe these other shirts are in fact the sorts of shirts that would let me get by with just two or three. So I buy a few of those, convinced that I finally have found the RIGHT shirts. Run that cycle a half dozen times or so, and voila, a closet full of shirts. So much for simplicity!
My current theory is that I will not let myself buy another bike - ah, that Audax Mk3! - until I have get my BMI down from 25 to 21. What is the point of a lighter bike when there is all this flab around my mid-section?
Thank you, Danneaux, for your wonderful reports of centuries rides on your Nomad. If such things are presently beyond my capability, IT AIN'T THE BIKE!
Or the shirt, either!