Having been a bit out of the loop on current bicycle component technology, I'm now researching what parts I want to install on my Thorn Nomad frame when it comes. Some I'll be switching over from my current bike, but I'm sure the new-parts bug will be infecting me as well.
I'm curious about the new splined cranksets with external bearings. At first glance the bearings seem pretty vulnerable, but RaceFace, for example, claims theirs are well-sealed. Certainly the purportedly stiffer nature of this type of crank would seem to be a good thing for touring. Does anyone have any experience with these, or are they strictly the purview of sport riders?
Also, in looking at the various levels of crank, the high-end models, sometimes a quarter-pound lighter than the base versions, are attractive. They seem to be aimed at "racers." The question is, is this "race" technology--light weight at no claimed loss of strength--applicable to us (assuming suitable chainrings will fit)? I'm not trying to build a 20-pound touring bike, but at the same time saving weight where possible is always a good thing.
Another topic: What about tubeless tires for touring?
Any comments or experience? Thanks . . .