Author Topic: *** URGENT Stolen Thorn Sherpa, Newcastle Upon Tyne - Can you help? ***  (Read 13244 times)


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Hello everyone,

I'm not a regular poster on here I'm afraid, so apologies if this is in the wrong thread, but I'm trying to move quickly with this.

I've owned a Thorn Sherpa since October 2009. I used it to cycle from England to Australia over 16 months from May 2011 to September 2012. My trip journal plus many pictures of the bike can be found here:

It's been resting at home with my mother in Gateshead / Newcastle Upon Tyne since I returned home and moved to London to find work. Sadly yesterday someone broke into my mother's property and stole the bicycle. Here is a picture of it:

It looks pretty much like this but without all the bags, and the rear red tyre has been moved onto the front tyre. I sadly don't have any pictures of it without the bags. It is distinctly marked with the Thorn Sherpa Logo, the red tyre and a few stickers on the side that I popped on there.

If you are able to help me in any way shape or form - even if its by checking out websites where it might be on sale that I don't know about or referring me to them, I would be extremely grateful. It has huge sentimental value and I had planned on having many more adventures with it!

You can email me with any info at

Many Thanks

Chris Gardner


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Ouch! So sorry to hear about this! I sure hope it turns up soon!


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I'm sure the good folk of this parish will keep a look out for you. Many of us look on ebay, gumtree, ctc etc. so lets hope we are able to help.


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Hi Chris.
I followed you on crazyguy and you were one of the inspirations for me doing my own trip.
I bought a Raven myself.
Count on me to do my bit to help track the bike down
Matt Scotland
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ah man sorry to hear this ,had you the bike insured by any chance your mums house insurance might just save the day .
anyway i sure hope you get it back i'm not much help to you as i live in ireland.


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sorry to here that

I've put a link on Facebook and emailed people I know in Newcastle



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So very sorry to hear of your misfortune. You're doing all the right things in publicizing the theft here and elsewhere -- eyes and ears on the ground will save the day, I think. It has happened before. Yes, be sure and watch the online resale houses like gumtree and eBay.

Despite the sad reasons for your first post, I do want to welcome you to the Forum. Hoping the next time we hear from you, the beloved bike will have been recovered and all will be well and right for you again.

With very best wishes,



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Hi All!


Sadly, this does kinda bring up the continuing need for some sort of registry. This bike was stolen with no information available online, but if a full description and photos has been available of it in all states...well, it might help recovery.

Any more suggestions for the Proposed Registry topic, here?:

If shortcomings could be addressed it would really help in such cases.




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Hi all,

Thanks for your posts, the support is much appreciated, and thanks Danneaux for the welcome to the forums! I should really have joined up sooner, and I think the creation of an online registry would be very useful.

I've had the police over, Facebook friends sharing, tweeters tweeting, mums friends nattering etc.. Tomorrow I'll hit the streets with pictures of it and perhaps try a couple of local newspapers if I have time.

I've been trying to take a broader view of it all to reduce despair... it was a bloody good bike, it did exactly what I bought it for, and at the end of the day it's not like someone has died, which is what I initially thought had happened considering the state I found my mum in (!).

I guess you may find me on the hunt for a new Thorn bicycle soon enough at this rate, although I'll need to get a better job first!

I'll keep in touch with any news.

Cheers guys.


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Thanks so much for the update, Chris; fingers crossed all will turn out alright.

You must be feeling just gutted, but hopefully all will come right -- and soon!




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Re: *** URGENT Stolen Thorn Sherpa, Newcastle Upon Tyne - Can you help? ***
« Reply #10 on: March 15, 2013, 04:40:18 PM »
Chris - sorry to hear this - it must be intensely irritating to say the least.

This might be obvious but Thorn will probably have the frame numbers which might help the local police if they do find your bike in a local 2nd hand shop.

My son's student house was broken into last year, while he was in his room studying,  he had the sense to leave quietly and call the police from outside.  He then followed the thieves to a local 2nd hand shop where the police were only too pleased to invite those involved to explain.

They had the stolen things back within a few days.

Hope things turn out well for you too.



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Re: *** URGENT Stolen Thorn Sherpa, Newcastle Upon Tyne - Can you help? ***
« Reply #11 on: March 15, 2013, 05:12:53 PM »
This might be obvious but Thorn will probably have the frame numbers which might help the local police if they do find your bike in a local 2nd hand shop.
Hi Steve!

An excellent idea, but...

Thorn can match owners by size/color, but unfortunately, this is a bit like trying to find a needle in a haystack; at last word, Thorn currently maintain no cross-referenced owner/serial database. See:
Hence the desire by some owners to establish a registry of some sort so identifying information might be more readily available.



John Saxby

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Re: *** URGENT Stolen Thorn Sherpa, Newcastle Upon Tyne - Can you help? ***
« Reply #12 on: March 16, 2013, 02:39:35 AM »
Stealing a bike is such a low thing to do...Hope you get your wheels back, Chris.



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Re: *** URGENT Stolen Thorn Sherpa, Newcastle Upon Tyne - Can you help? ***
« Reply #13 on: March 16, 2013, 08:35:08 PM »
This is bad news Chris. I cannot fathom the idiots that go around stealing bikes, or anything for that matter. I hope you get the bike back. I am just North of you in the Borders so will keep a look out on my rides though I think it will be probably quickly sold on in the Newcastle area.

Another vote for a Thorn Bike Register ...


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Re: *** URGENT Stolen Thorn Sherpa, Newcastle Upon Tyne - Can you help? ***
« Reply #14 on: March 20, 2013, 08:39:59 PM »
Hi chaps,

Good news!

I'd assumed it was long gone by now; however we've just received a call from the police. It's been found! Hurrah!

An old lady found it dumped in some bushes in another part of Newcastle whilst out for a walk. She took it home and stored it in her shed for nearly a week until her son eventually came for a look at it, advised her to call the police who then matched it up to the frame number I provided them. Bingo, it's now on the way home.

For once, a bit of good luck. A great thorn bike has not been lost. Thanks for all your support.

