I think you may have something there, Jawine, but I also think there may be less function-foremost when desiging women's cycling clothing, based on what I have seen in the stores and on female cyclists in my area this summer.
###Whew, it seems to be ever worse over your end of the water! We do get plenty of cycling specific kit, but it's all geared towards lycra kit. However, the tops are like the men's tops, maybe different colours, but same sleeve length etc.
Ah, there's a key influence, I think. Fashion. It's inflicting guys' wear as well, but I do see an awful lot of women's cycling clothing (yes, I do notice, but in a nice way*) that looks better suited to "spinning" classes in the gym rather than on-the-road use.
###Spinning...sitting on a bike that goes nowhere, and you probably driven down to the class in a car. HONESTLY

A shame, really. Like putting flower overwraps on crummy tool and labeling them "for women" and almost guaranteeing a bum job 'cos the tools are junk. Better a proper tool for the job, as my sister would far prefer over flower overlays.
###Don't get me started on that, worst kind of sex-role confirming guff there is.
BTW there's sturdy digital cameras for kids these days that are...well not like film but not too bad.
For me, this all started with by rebelling against the over-large pencils we were required to use in kindergarten. My handwriting improved immediately when I was finally allowed to use a standard-diameter pencil.
###Mine is still bad. Nothing like black ink, pencils from 2H-8B for a bit of drawing though

Dan. (who sometimes wishes the world made more sense...)
###That's where you and me go wrong

* I grew up in a family of sew-ers (I started to write "sewers" and realize it would read as if I was raised in the gutter!), and have long used a sewing machine myself for making panniers, cycling shoe overboots, rain gloves, filled vests, etc., so I tend to notice such things a bit more than average.
###I can't sew to save my life. But I can probably fix your PC

BTW e-bay is, I found, a good place for lightly used clothing for good prices. But expensive brands still go for a reasonable price, as quality kit doesn't wear down quickly.