Author Topic: Questions re: Foreign purchase of Sherpa (USA)  (Read 11466 times)


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Re: Questions re: Foreign purchase of Sherpa (USA)
« Reply #15 on: August 27, 2011, 12:35:09 PM »
I did not see this thread until now, sorry.

I bought a used Thorn Sherpa frame and fork about a year and a half ago and have been very happy with it.  The original owner lives in Canada and apparently shipping costs to Canada are much lower than to USA.  He shipped it to me in Wisconsin from Washington State, I think the shipping was a bit over $50 USD.

Two years ago I was quoted 140 pounds for shipping cost for a frame and fork from the UK which at that time was about $225 USD.  I sent SKS an e-mail saying I was not in a big hurry and could be patient if they used a slower shipping method and asked if they could do better than that for shipping cost.  I got no response to my e-mail so I assumed that they did not want my business.

I think you will be very happy with the bike.  It is robust and handles well with a load.


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Re: Questions re: Foreign purchase of Sherpa (USA)
« Reply #16 on: August 28, 2011, 07:39:00 AM »
Thanks, Mick, for the reply.  I am in the process of waiting for the build to complete, then delivery.  The days really do pass, and I know the delivery will be here before I know it.  As a kid, I'd save cereal box-tops for the prizes advertised on the back of the box.  Just about the time the mailman picked up the post and got to the end of the street, I'd figure he'd go 'round the block one more time and deliver my Prize Whatsit.  Of course, it didn't work that way, and I had to learn patience at an early age.  I'm being patient now.   ;D
Thanks too, JimK, for the link to the Sherpa tour on the CrazyGuyOnABike site.  Boy, that sure whets the appetite for adventure!  I can't wait to get the new bike and take it out for some shakedown runs in Oregon's Cascade mountain range and the Coast Range as well.

I'll be sure and let everyone know when it arrives...though you'll no doubt hear the whoops of joy when it does.

All the best,



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Re: Questions re: Foreign purchase of Sherpa (USA)
« Reply #17 on: September 12, 2011, 05:13:29 PM »
Just to let followers know...

I paid for my Sherpa in full and placed my final order on 2 August 2011.  On 8 September, I received notice from Lisa at Thorn saying it was completed 7 September and awaiting shipping.  That put the build time right between 4-5 weeks, as estimated by Thorn at time of purchase in what wass still their high season.  Because I would be traveling, she said it was my call to choose immediate or delayed shipping, so I chose immediate and received notice the bike was dispatched the next day, 9 September.

In her completion email, Lisa estimated 5-10 working days, and this seems realistic given it has to transit the US to my home on the West Coast.  When Cath at Thorn notified me of dispatch, she indicated it could arrive in as little a 4-6 days.  I suppose this is possible if it arrives and is cleared at a customs port here on the West Coast.

Now, all I have to do is wait...!

Hopefully, the next post will say it is here...and perfect!




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Re: Questions re: Foreign purchase of Sherpa (USA)
« Reply #18 on: September 12, 2011, 11:27:24 PM »
As I recall, I could track the shipment on the U.K. side of things. I think it flew to Amsterdam and then New York. Probably yours will go to San Francisco. Then it just disappeared from the radar. Several days later I got a phone call from the transfer agent that handles customs, and it was just a couple days later it showed up at my door.

I'm sure still enjoying my Fearless Nomad!


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Re: Questions re: Foreign purchase of Sherpa (USA)
« Reply #19 on: September 13, 2011, 06:41:56 PM »

Thanks for the your thoughts regarding the possible route my Sherpa may take on delivery.  Your thoughts give me hope it may arrive sooner rather than later -- especially if it can arrive at a West Coast US Customs Office instead of landing, say, in New York and then having to go overland from there. 

WRT tracking, Cath at Thorn advised, "Unfortunately Tuffnells do not provide tracking numbers for third parties such as yourself as technically we are their customer".  I have seen it go both ways with shippers making tracking numbers available to both shipper and intended recipient, but increasingly, such info seems restricted to the shipping party. may have been you in an earlier post or someone else, but I remember a previous American buyer mentioning a telephone call from either the transfer agent or US Customs asking for a Social Security number...I presume for the later Customs billing for 11% of the bike purchase price.  I'm a little leery of giving my Social Security number to some voice on the any chance did the party clearly identify themselves in regard to the purpose and relate it to the purchase of your bike?  This part has me kinda worried in this age of easy identity theft.

Also, a question for any others reading... I have read various claims indicating the 11% US Customs fee may be reduced if an imported bicycle is used for commercial purposes.  Since mine will eventually be used in my role as a tour leader, that possibility is attractive.  Does anyone know more about the particulars and if this is still (or ever was) a possibility?   From what I've read, it may take as much as 90 days for the US Customs bill to arrive, and then there is a timeframe for possible appeal, say in the event the fee is based on total cost including shipping and not just the net cost of the bike.  Thanks in advance for any info.

Man!  Waiting is agony!  For once, I'm hoping the days pass quickly...of course, I was the kid who saved cereal box-tops for prizes, and then started watching for the return post right after my letter was collected.  Jim, your Nomad is a beauty!




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Re: Questions re: Foreign purchase of Sherpa (USA)
« Reply #20 on: September 14, 2011, 01:43:33 AM »
a telephone call from either the transfer agent or US Customs asking for a Social Security number...I presume for the later Customs billing for 11% of the bike purchase price.  I'm a little leery of giving my Social Security number to some voice on the any chance did the party clearly identify themselves in regard to the purpose and relate it to the purchase of your bike?  This part has me kinda worried in this age of easy identity theft.

Yeah, it was a curious phone call, and identity theft is surely a concern. It was a transfer agent that I'd never heard of... ah, the miracle of Quicken: it was TNT Express. I imagine there are many such agents, but this is the only time I have played in such territory. I didn't quiz the fellow at all - I forget how I managed to track the bike, but I was sure expecting to receive some kind of signal plus or minus a couple days. I'm sure you could poke about a bit to make sure the folks really have your bike. Why do they need a social security number, I have no idea!


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Re: Questions re: Foreign purchase of Sherpa (USA)
« Reply #21 on: September 14, 2011, 01:51:11 AM »
it may take as much as 90 days for the US Customs bill to arrive,

My customs bill came from TNT Express, about a month after my bike arrived.


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Re: Questions re: Foreign purchase of Sherpa (USA)
« Reply #22 on: September 14, 2011, 01:57:17 AM »
Cath at Thorn advised, "Unfortunately Tuffnells do not provide tracking numbers for third parties such as yourself as technically we are their customer". 

I don't see any record of the tracking number in my email archives. Entirely possible that I figured out the route my bike had taken after I received it, by using the tracking number on the box. Or maybe my imagination has carried me off, yet again!


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Re: Questions re: Foreign purchase of Sherpa (USA)
« Reply #23 on: September 14, 2011, 05:25:16 AM »
Thanks, Jim...your experience has given me a bit of a heads-up and some fair warning wrt to the likely call I'll be getting...and from whom.  I Know Lisa Parsons at Thorn mentioned Tuffnall's would be handing off to TNT stateside (they appear to be Australian-owned), so that squares with your experience.  If the person doesn't say, then I'll ask which firm he represents and the "right" answer should be TNT.

Again, I really appreciate your kindness in reviewing your records, Jim.





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Re: Questions re: Foreign purchase of Sherpa (USA)
« Reply #24 on: October 06, 2011, 05:52:17 PM »
Hi, Dan .

Any news yet? Can't wait for pics.




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Re: Questions re: Foreign purchase of Sherpa (USA)
« Reply #25 on: October 06, 2011, 09:06:29 PM »
The Sherpa arrived 2 weeks ago!  I am thrilled, but some issues in assembly and delivery (which Thorn hastened to correct at all levels) have delayed riding and final assembly.  Pics and a full report soon, but early indications are it is a lovely, wonderful, superlative ride!  Pics to follow in the gallery when it is all up to form.



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Re: Questions re: Foreign purchase of Sherpa (USA)
« Reply #26 on: October 14, 2011, 11:29:29 PM »
Congrats on your new bike!  As an aside, US buyers don't have to pay customs on, for example, a Thorn frame, just a complete bike.  I've bought tons of parts and accessories from SJS including a Ripio frame last year and have never been charged customs - because they're "parts" not "bikes".  Best of luck with your new Sherpa.


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Re: Questions re: Foreign purchase of Sherpa (USA)
« Reply #27 on: October 15, 2011, 06:45:19 PM »
Thanks for the kind words, Pexio, and the great information!  I had a similar experience when I purchased my Thorn Low-Loader Mk. V front racks (love 'em!).  The amount I saved in VAT just about equaled the postage fees; a very nice surprise and -- yes! - no Customs duty on them as they were "parts".  The bicycle itself is wonderful, and I keep casting admiring glances at it myself and petting it occasionally!  ;)  It'll be a good 'un, I know, and it'll take a long time for the "new" to wear off.  It has been 22 years since I last purchased a bike, so this is a Big Event for me.

The bike arrived 11 business days (weekdays) after I was notified of dispatch by Thorn, so it was pretty much right on schedule.  It was handled by four carriers, according to the paperwork, stickers, and envelopes on the box:  Tuffnells in the UK > TNT @ US entry > FedEx @ Houston > home delivery by UPS to me here in Oregon.  I was prepared to pay about USD$300 in customs fees, but was grateful when Tuffnells tendered the bill a week after arrival for "only" USD$139.73.  This included Tuffnells fees for negotiating the customs payment for me, and the bill was to reimburse them for the principal fees and their secondary fees, which were reasonable and I paid them online through their secure server -- no Social Security number needed.  My proof of payment is an emailed receipt and my VISA billing (they also accept PayPal or you can send a check by post).  Apparently, my Sherpa never saw a Customs inspection; it would seem the Tuffnells/Securitas x-ray certificate was sufficient in lieu of inspection. Based on how my Miyata 1000LT was heavily damaged by TSA inspection after a flight home from Europe, I'd feared the worst from a Customs inspection.  The TSA told me no compensation was possible, and I'd heard the same about US Customs incidental damage, so it could have been costly if US anti-terrorism efforts had been directed toward my innocent new Sherpa.

I had been especially concerned about the Customs duties and fees.  I spent most of a year as an undergraduate studying international tariff policy in depth, so I was already familiar with the basic tariff schedules.  It appeared I might well be charged the full 11% in duties and perhaps even a bit more, thanks to the Sherpa having 26" wheels, for which a special fee can be assessed.  Also, others' experience indicated I should expect the billing to arrive about 90 days after purchase...just in time for Christmas and really poor timing when one is in a holiday gift-buying frame of mind.  After all, shipping worked out to about USD$627, and then I had the 3% credit card conversion fees atop that and the unfavorable exchange rate at the time, which didn't help much.  I had expected to spend about USD$1000 to get the bike here atop the actual purchase price.  I am really grateful it worked out as it did to be a bit less than that.

In my later telephone conversation with Robin, he mentioned the difficulty in achieving reasonable shipping rates compared to some other, larger firms in the UK.  Perhaps we can all think of something to ease this burden on Thorn and future foreign customers.  I've been looking at DHL's rates and it appears they might actually be less expensive while still providing good service to all.  I think Tuffnells use of four contract shippers in my case may have added to the actual cost of delivery.  That, and I am located in the NW corner of the US, so there was the additional matter of getting the bike to me from its (air)port of entry. I wasn't able to track the package because I wasn't Tuffnells customer, so I have only the package stickers and envelope contents to go on for how it was handled between there and here.

I plan to write up and post a timeline with suggestions and costs for prospective US buyers based on my 2011 August purchase/September delivery to me here in the Pacific Northwest.  Things went pretty much as I'd hoped, but it would have relieved much of my angst to compare notes with a recent buyer so I'd know what to expect for sure in terms of delivery and customs arrangements.  Even if prices should change, it will represent a recent purchase and another data point for prospective buyers and hopefully prove helpful.




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Re: Questions re: Foreign purchase of Sherpa (USA)
« Reply #28 on: March 11, 2012, 11:14:35 PM »
Greetings all,

My shipping/customs experience seems to have been a bit different than what I have read from others who have posted here.  I'm curious if anyone else in the USA had a similar experience to mine.

I placed my Nomad order on Feb 1st and was told to expect a completion date somewhere around the 27th. I was super excited when I heard that it was finished on the 21st!  It shipped on the 24th, I believe... And it was handed off to TNT on the 27th.  At that point, I was able to view the tracking info myself.

It arrived at customs on March 1st.  I had received a phone call from TNT asking for my social security number (a call which I expected thanks to those of you who pointed that out in your posts -- thank you) the next day.  Over the next couple of days, there did not appear to be much movement.  On the 5th, I received an e-mail from TNT with a copy of the declaration from Homeland Security stating that the duty taxes needed to be paid up front.  I was surprised at this, since most of you indicated that a bill showed up in the mail a few weeks/months later.  So, I called TNT and paid the duty taxes and they told me that it should clear customs within 48 hours, but in reality it could be as soon as an hour from then.

Well, 48 hours went by, and there were no tracking updates.  I called TNT to ask if something was wrong, or if it was picked up and maybe the tracking status did not get updated...  They told me that it should have definitely been picked up by now.  They said they had to send this to their Tracing Department (yikes!) to find out what was going on... And they would call me back that afternoon to let me know the status.

By that point, I was worried that it got lost, or possibly stolen!

TNT did call me back that afternoon, and they did not elaborate on what happened, but they told me that TNT themselves would deliver it to me the following morning... instead of using another carrier which was originally planned.

And that is what happened... It showed up early on Thursday March 8th!

So... The main thing I am wondering from all of you is if anyone else was asked to pay the duty taxes up front before the package was released?  That seems to be the biggest discrepency from what you all have said...



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Re: Questions re: Foreign purchase of Sherpa (USA)
« Reply #29 on: March 11, 2012, 11:36:46 PM »
oooo, you must be one cool cat! The Tracing Department! Perish the thought! I am so happy to hear that things turned out just fine in the end. I don't have much hair and if it had been me hearing about Tracing Departments then that little bit would be gone too.

Probably you saw that I posted a photo of my Nomad as it looks today which is probably pretty close to what it will look like on the canal ride so you can keep an eye out!

As you get your bike put together and out on the road, please do post a photo, too!