One data point that isn't so useful, but something that I can measure - the wheelbase on my Thorn Nomad MkII 565L is 1118 mm.
Hard to compare across such different bikes. I would probably take a 58cm LHT. That's a 460 mm chainstay vs. 466 for my Thorn. The LHT wheelbase is 1091. So my wheelbase is 27mm longer than the LHT, though the chainstays are only 6mm longer. Actually the chainstays aren't parallel to the ground, either, but that is probably a very small factor. Anyway, 21mm of my longer wheelbase comes from someplace other than the chainstays.
My virtual toptube is 605, while the LHT is 586. That's a 19mm difference - could account for the whole extra wheelbase! The LHT is really set up for drop handlebars, while my Thorn has straight handlebars.
Amazing how all these factors intertwine!