Author Topic: Cyclefest 2004, Lancaster, 4th-9th August  (Read 18942 times)


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Cyclefest 2004, Lancaster, 4th-9th August
« on: June 19, 2004, 06:56:33 PM »
4th-9th August 2004.

Lancaster, UK.
A celebration of all that is cycling with lectures, rides and stuff over several days. Featuring loads of enthusiasts on a vast array of 'bents, folders, Moultons, Pedersons and other bikes rarely seen together.

The 10th and last one ever, or so they say. Problems with risk assessments, insurance, no-win-no-fee lawyers and the ever increasing risk of litigation have caused the kiss of death for many an event and this one is no exception so mark your diaries for what an event that will doubtless go out with a bang!

Details at

Anyone else going?


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Re: Cyclefest 2004, Lancaster, 4th-9th August
« Reply #1 on: July 29, 2004, 08:48:37 PM »
And I'll be there droolin' at stuff too!
There is camping for people that can cope with these stormy weather days oop North!