Author Topic: Forum Guidelines - Please Read  (Read 40647 times)

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Forum Guidelines - Please Read
« on: October 29, 2003, 02:31:22 PM »
<font color="black"><b>What are Moderators?</b>
Our Moderators are here to monitor and where necessary; move, edit, lock or delete topics/posts in order to protect the good of the Thorn Cycling Forum community.
If a topic/post is moved, edited, locked or deleted... it will NEVER be a direct or personal attack on you. It will only be as a result of the guidelines below and will always put the community first.

<b>A topic/post will be edited or deleted if it contains:</b>
> Xenophobia, racism or personal abuse.
> Pornography, links to Pornography or links to other inappropriate sites.
> Any form of unauthorised advertising or Spam.
> Advertising or sale of illegal bootleg material.
> Any type of pyramid selling or referral schemes.
> Anything invasive in to a persons privacy.
> Anything deemed by the Thorn Cycling Forum as potentially libellous.
> Any copyright-infringing content - text or graphics.
> Obvious disregard for the interests of the community... anti community spirit.
> Sensitive contents that cannot be moved.
> Illegal/defamatory statements that are not salvageable by editing the topic/post.
> Content that has no value to the community.
> The use of images with swear words in them.
> Whilst censored versions of swearing (e.g. s**t) are usually considered okay, offensive or over use of this may offend and so be moderated. Any deliberate circumvention of the swear word filter is prohibited.
> Incitement to a flame war.
Topic/post editing will be visible... if a message is edited: the date/time/moderator will be shown in the topic/post.
<font color="red">Thorn Cycling Forum reserves the right to delete or edit any topic/post for legal or other reasons.</font id="red">

<b>A topic/post will be locked if:</b>
> there is persistent abuse of the points mentioned above.
> It contains unacceptable behaviour or anti community spirit.
> It contains totally off-topic discussion
> content that is not salvageable by editing the topic/post.
<font color="red">Thorn Cycling Forum reserves the right to lock any topic/post for legal or other reasons.</font id="red">

<b>A topic/post will be moved if:</b>
> The topic clearly belongs in another forum.
> The posts in a topic move on to a subject more appropriate to another forum.
A topic will be moved to the Muppet Area if it is deemed too ‘silly’ for other forums.
<font color="red">Thorn Cycling Forum reserves the right to move any topic for legal or other reasons.</font id="red">

<b>What is ‘potentially libellous’?</b>
'Potentially libellous' is the term used to describe anything that cannot be proven by hard fact i.e. something that may be considered damaging to a company or individual.
What may be considered to be ‘potentially libellous’ is something where the above applies and Thorn Cycling Forum itself does not have the hard facts to prove without doubt that what is being said is accurate.
Due to legal complications Thorn Cycling Forum could be considered liable for libellous comments posted by members, Thorn Cycling Forum must therefore practice continued and consistent due-diligence to protect against potential legal action.
This means deleting or editing topics/posts containing this kind of content and taking the best action to stop anything ‘potentially libellous’ being posted in the first place.  For this reason, ANY 'potentially libellous' content may be deleted immediately without warning or explanation.
<font color="red">Thorn Cycling Forum reserves the right to delete or edit any ‘potentially libellous’ topic/post for legal or other reasons.</font id="red">

<b>Racist topics, posts or comments:</b>
> Thorn Cycling Forum will NOT tolerate racist comments... No matter how innocent the comment may be.
> Repeated posting of racist topics, posts or comments will result in the member being banned from Thorn Cycling Forum, and/or potentially more serious action being taken.
<font color="red">Thorn Cycling Forum reserves the right to delete or edit any 'racist' topic/post for legal or other reasons.</font id="red">

<b>Above all else, use your common sense, be respectful and reasonable to people and companies.</b></font id="black">
« Last Edit: May 10, 2011, 02:49:05 PM by Adrian »


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Re: Forum Guidelines - Please Read
« Reply #1 on: August 13, 2007, 11:48:52 AM »
Hi there,

My name is Tran Tu, new administrator of Thorn Cycling Forum. Just a quick tip on posting images for you here (I've seen lots of you posting image links instead of the image itself)

<b>1. The Image button</b>
<- this is it, you'll see it when you hit the new topic or reply button in the typing window.

Once you've clicked it, the editor will automatically add in the image tag and they look like this <b>[ img ] [ / img ] </b>

Or you simply can type the tag yourself.

<b>2. The image link</b>
Some of you might be familiar with how to get the image link already but just in case, I'll explain it here briefly.

- with Internet Explorer: right click on the picture, choose properties... from the drop-down menu. Highlight the Adress URL line, right click again on the highlighted text and choose copy.
- with FireFox: right click on the picture, choose "Copy Image location..." and that's it.

<b>3. Paste the link</b>
You need to paste the image link you've just copied into the space between the tags. It'll look like this (without spaces)
[ img ] [ / img ]

And you're ready now. Show us your nice pictures :D!
Btw, please don't post any picture larger than 1024x768px.

Have a nice day!
(tran at
« Last Edit: May 10, 2011, 02:44:18 PM by Adrian »