As far as I am concerned, Argos and other frame builders charge high prices for builds. The reason is not that the build is better (as such), but they get fewer orders but still have overheads. Thorn are a business selling bikes and parts (St John St Cycles) and started with a frame builder many years ago. Once established as a market leader it is obvious that either the company employed dozens of frame builders, larger workshops or source abroad. That said, the outsourced frames are as good as home built but obviously do not have the same panache (?).
I have an Audax 853 which is my pride. I have owned a Nomad (original) built by Kevin. I now have the Audax 853 with a Club Tour and a Sherpa. My own opinion is that all the bikes I have had and also now own, are and were to a great standard, so no complaints either way.
I am sure that Kevin is now back where he wants to be as a niche frame builder, and back where he once worked.
Just my take on the matter. I hope it has helped .