Hi All!
I don't think the Travelling Two have used Chain-L long enough to draw a truly definitive conclusion, though their experience and results are helpful. I'm still mulling over some other reports about this lube.
An interim data point wrt Purple Extreme...
I'm trying Purple Extreme at Pete's urging and endorsement, and it is working out well so far, though I have yet to collect enough data to make any truly valid conclusions compared to what I've been using.
I do have some observations that square nicely with Pete's:
1) I applied it to a chain that had been soaked clean of prior lubricants using mineral spirits, then blown dry with filtered compressed air (and a line-drier). Found little mess or dirt collection on the chain itself, despite riding in dusty conditions and rain.
2) Seems to lube well in practice, making for a quiet chain.
3) the connecting link's pins when I removed the chain to check it for stretch as an interim measure.
4) There is some soak-in time require for the stuff to work effectively. At least 10 minutes is helpful, Though overnight seemed to help the oil better penetrate all the little nooks and crannies of the chain.
5) There seems to be a temporal element -- Purple Extreme appears to evaporate to a degree over time. I've lubed three chains with it, and the chains on bike that were mostly sitting for the same period needed re-lubrication as much as the "working" chains. I'm watching this, but it seems reasonable for there to be some carrier dispersion and evaporation. The carrier is bound to provide some lubricity as well as the core elements after evaporation and out-gassing, if any. I've got a little dish with some PE on it simmering on the shop hotplate at a very low temperature to see what happens over time and if there is an evaporative effect.
As I say, not enough use for me to draw any definitive conclusions, except it surely makes the chain nice and quiet when applied and for some time thereafter. Though I haven't tried the Chain-L, I'm a bit put off by reports of the strong odor. My previous preferred chain lubes consisted of frequent spray re-applications of WD-40s no longer available TAL-5, which was a completely different product than WD-40, which I am strongly prejudiced against, or a mix of 10W-40 petroleum motor oil or 15W synthetic motor oil, fortified with a bit of Phil Wood Tenacious Oil and applied carefully to each pin joit and allowed to soak in. In my use, Purple Extreme has far less sling and attracts far less dirt, and would be worth using for those reasons even if it did end up requiring more frequent application.
Still early days for me.