Well I am now with travelling wheels
Some may have recently seen a red sherpa with a very basic spec on ebay, I bought it.
I have such faith in thorn and thier products that the simplicity of the kit along with the high quality of what thorn produce has instilled me with much confidence.
The route is
Spain, France, Italy, Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia, Serbia, Albania, Greece, Turkey, Syria, Isreal, Egypt, Libya, Algeria, Mauritania, SenegalGuinea, Ivory coast, Ghana, Togo, Nigeria, Cameroon, Congo, Angola, Namibia, South africa, Mozambique, Tanzania, Kenya, Ethiopia, Sudan, Egypt, Jordan, Saudi arabia, Kuwait, Iraq, Iran, Pakistan, India, Nepal, Tibet, China, Vietnam, Loas, Thailand, Cambodia, Malaysia, China, Korea, Russia, Alaska, Canada, U.S.A. , Mexico, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicuragua, Costa rica, Panama, Columbia, Ecuador, Peru, Chile, Argentina, Uraguay, Brazil, Guiana,Suriname, Guyana, Venezuala, Panama, Costa rica, Honduras,Guatemala, Mexico, U.S.A. , Canada, Alaska, Russia, Khazakhstan, Russia, Ukraine, Poland, Slovakia, Checkoslovakia, Germany, Belgium, France then back to old blighty
My trip is not sponsored, not planned like a military campaign and will inevitably provide me with many experiences of a lifetime
I will of course carry some sensible spares
For now as the chrimbo sales happen with the last items being bought and the last of the jabs finished and with the sherpa sitting resplendent in my bedroom and red, I go to bed a happy man
I feel in my heart of hearts that the thorn will not let me down and the test for the thorn will be is the basic bike upto it.. I feel it is.. and I can't wait