Well, I did it. Lots of reading the manual and checking over and over but the EBB adjustment is done.
When I removed the screws, there was hardly any mark on the EBB shell itself at the bottom of the hole.
The bike's only three months old, but met the recommendation from the guy at Thorn who sold me the bike to adjust after the Rohloff chain after 50m.
The EBB turned flawlessly and it was easy to see how the chain tension changed.
I set the tension such that the T1-T2 measures in the book were a bit less than when I first got the bike. Given the chain had gone really quite slack, like Thorn said the Rohloff chain would, it seemed reasonable.
The screws went back in but didn't get to the 10Nm before I felt as though they were probably back where they should be.
I added some threadlock for good measure.
I'll monitor on a ride tomorrow, and will make a small mark so I can tell if there's any movement in the EBB (After about a month of ownership, there was a creaking noise from the EBB and I tightened the screws then.)
Thanks for all the advice, much appreciated.