Author Topic: When to replace eccentric BB shell and Rohloff sprocket  (Read 888 times)

John Saxby

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Re: When to replace eccentric BB shell and Rohloff sprocket
« Reply #15 on: March 23, 2025, 02:57:57 PM »
George, on touring/camping in Canada --

First thing to say, is I expect/hope that anyone you meet & speak with will welcome you as a visitor. People do make a distinction between individual citizens and actions/statements by the President. There has been a wave of national waking-up/reassertion of our (historically ill-defined) national identity, with lots of very funny videos. (Look for videos by Mark Critch, a key member of the comedy troupe "This Hour Has 22 Minutes.) All that said, it might help if you can find one of those lapel pins with both of our flags ;)

On finding a camping space:  I don't have recent experience outside Eastern Ontario & Western Québec, on account of limited travel during the pandemic, & more recently, twin hip-replacement surgeries.  That said, both provincial parks and private campgrounds usually hold back 10% of their sites for those who show up without a reservation.  And, I've found that a touring cyclist is enough of a novelty that you can be reasonably sure of being shoe-horned in, one way for another.

You're always welcome to swing by our place in Ottawa if you should find yourself in these parts again.  I wrote a piece on cycling to & from Toronto in September 2017.  It's on CycleBlaze, here:

And, in several posts here on the Forum, I've referred to Québec's province-wide cycling network, la Route Verte. I've always found Québec's roads much more cycling-friendly than those in Ontario -- wider paved shoulders, for example. Here's the link to la Route Verte, available in English and French:

Nice photo of you, your bike, and the Tronna skyline.  Was that taken from a point on the Waterfront Trail, just west of TO?  (That trail, as you may know, runs all the way from Niagara Falls to Montréal, along Lake Ontario & the St Lawrence.)

Within Southern Ontario, there are a couple of cycling routes close to historic waterways that are worth exploring.  The waterways are the Rideau Canal, which runs S-N between Kingston (at the eastern end of L Ontario) and Ottawa; and the Trent Canal, between Trenton (about 150 kms west of Kingston, on L Ontario) and Port Severn, nearly 400 kms northwestwards, on Georgian Bay.  Both have many locks, which allow boats to traverse the rocks & hills of the Canadian Shield.  You can camp at lockstations for $5 a night (=about USD 3.50).

The Rideau Canal was completed in 1832, in the wake of the Serious Unpleasantness between 1812-14.  It was built to allow shipping to pass from the eastern end of L Ontario to the Ottawa River, and onward to Montréal, out of range of US batteries in NY state on the S shore of the St Lawrence.

The Trent-Severn Canal was opened about a century ago.  It allows small vessels to go directly from Lake Ontario to Georgian Bay & hence Lake Huron.

Happily, both are now used only by recreational boaters, and by cyclists who happen to know that they're scenic spots with cheap campsites, and water that's OK for swimming.

Cheers,  John


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Re: When to replace eccentric BB shell and Rohloff sprocket
« Reply #16 on: March 24, 2025, 12:07:17 PM »
John, thank you very much for the detailed reply,

Canadian lapel pin, I think I have one or two.  From decades ago I have one that has both Canadian and USA flags.  I am quite sure nobody makes those with both countries on a single pin any more.  I wonder if I should start wearing that here at home?

I think it might be considered deception if I was to wear my PEI jersey or my Nova Scotia jersey in Ontario when I am not from either of those provinces.

Yes, Waterfront Trail.  I rode from Kingston to Niagara Falls.  Planned to continue west, but when I got to Niagara Falls, that was the start of a severe heat wave that promised to continue being miserably hot for the rest of my trip, so I bailed out early at that time.  I think you can read the post and see the photos without registering.  More detail at:

I like to start my tours in early June.  That is usually before things get crowded and most people are not yet vacationing.  Thus, campgrounds typically empty, but last summer I found that provincial parks in Ontario can fill in early June.  That was not my experience in Nova Scotia, PEI or New Brunswick in 2019.  June is usually wetter, but I would rather have a bit of rain if that means that campsites are less crowded and traffic is lighter. 

Thank you for mentioning the Rideau Canal.  I will have to look into that.  I was thinking that if I went to Canada this year I would start at Buffalo NY or possibly some other place east of Buffalo where Amtrak (the train system in USA) stops, then ride to where I get on a ferry to Wolf Island, then another ferry to Kingston.  (Repeat from last year.)  Then go East.  Beyond that, I had no plans yet, other than the trip would have to end somewhere that has an Amtrak station that accepts checked luggage. 

I like to use MapQuest for my trip planning, that is a GPS mapping program that Garmin discontinued many years ago.  My new computer (new a year ago) will not run MapQuest, so to plan this trip I have to dig out my old computer, which is a bit of a hassle, so have not done any planning yet.  And that is more than two months away, if I am not getting on an airplane I am not in a rush to plan this trip.

The way you capitalized "Serious Unpleasantness", that suggests that it is a common term, that when you hear it, you know what that means.  If so, I really hope that there is not another such episode at any time in the next four years.  I like to travel in Canada, I honestly do not remember how many times that I have been in Canada.  Attached photos are from past Canada trips, first by bike (Sherpa, 2012), second shows a border marker in the wilderness in Northern Minnesota, and the third, also in Northern Minnesota shows the border which is in the middle of the river, no evidence of that river being the border and I do not remember which country I was in when I took the photo.

I may have more questions later.