Here in the Republic of Ireland older people are presented with a "bus pass", which includes the trains too, which is just an entry on a new "public service card", which also holds your tax number. A friend, a multi-millionaire who worked as a printer all his days, owned inner city property by the block. He was outraged when his bus pass arrived in the post!
There's probably a reciprocal arrangement for British citizens, though I don't know whether it survived Brexit, and there almost certainly is a reciprocal arrangement for people who live in Northern Ireland, who're regarded as honorary Irishmen. It's probably worth enquiring as bus journeys into the countryside and especially intercity train tickets can be expensive.
Also of interest, a bus driver can take your bike within his discretion if the luggage compartment isn't full, and apparently his discretion extends to charging you extra for the bicycle; I can't tell you how much because I've never been charged for the bike.
Many happy returns, Matt.