Hi I'm new here

I'm the proud owner of a Koga Worldtraveller Signature 2.0 with Rohloff and Gates belt. I have a 50t front chainring and a 19t rear cog with a 120t beltdrive plus Schwalbe Almotion 28" 50mm tires with 2293mm wheel circumference.
On my last trip I noticed that I lacked low gears when climbing and now after a lot of research I am still wondering which rear sprocket I should fit to improve this? Many say the lower the better, but I also have to take into account that I don't have to replace my belt too because that would make it twice as expensive. So basically I'd like to put the lowest rear sprocket possible while keeping my current belt, and using the tools Ritzelrechner
www.ritzelrechner.de and the Gates Carbon Drive Bicycle Calculator
https://www.gatescarbondrive.com/Apps/DriveCalculator/index.html I get the following possibilities (FYI my chainstay length is 460mm, my crank is 170mm) :
A 22t sprocket is best compatible with a 459mm chainstay so can I keep my current belt with that? (at 60 cadence = 18,2>95,8 Gear Inches - 1,45>7,65m development - 3,25>17,1 mph / 5,23>27,5 km/h Speed)
A 23t sprocket is most compatible with a chainstay of 456mm so a little too short. (at 60 cadence = 17,4>91,6 Gear Inches - 1,39>7,31m development - 3,11>16,4 mph / 5,01>26,3 km/h Speed)
A 24t sprocket is most compatible with a chainstay of 465mm so a little too long. (at 60 cadence = 16,7 Gear Inches / 1,33-7,01m development / 2,98>15,7 mph / 4,8>-25,2 km/h Speed)
Now someone told me that if you have an eccentric bottom bracket (EBB) like my bike has, those few mm in 23+24t can be adjusted for somehow? And is a 24t sprocket a good choice or is this much too low? FYI, I am 47 years old but have a very good fitness and mostly ride on flat terrain (+- 60%), but often I do slopes and/or mountains (+- 30%) and occasionally I go off road (+- 10%).
If you guys want to give me a gamble with this information (because I know it's still a gamble), I would be eternally grateful

Cheers, Joseph