Author Topic: +++ Rides 2022 +++ Add yours here +++  (Read 21812 times)


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Re: +++ Rides 2022 +++ Add yours here +++
« Reply #75 on: November 28, 2022, 11:57:30 AM »
Fantastic to read your experiences atop the magnificent Mercury John.  I have just acquired one and I am getting the hang of the bike now.  It has been a tad uncomfortable so far - that's just me getting the set-up wrong and being too macho about saddle height.  I have dropped it a couple of CMs and I will push off again this afternoon to check it out. 

I have the Thorn fitted tubus rear rack and I need to fit the mudguards, so your experience will save me hours (and save neighbours from the Anglo Saxon that would otherwise be sailing over the fence).  I have Shwalbe Marathon Plus on at the moment 38c on 700c rims, so the mudguards are going to be fun to fit. 

I have ordered a Tubus Tara lowrider for the front and will try that with small lightly loaded Thule panniers (they came with the bike).  I have Ortleibs for the back and a drybag for my wonderful old Saunders Jetpacker II tent.  I'm planning to keep things as light as possible and will forego the cooking equipment I think (as nice as a morning cuppa is). 

So glad the titanium hip is back up and running smoothly!  Keep cycling into those headwinds and get some DEET to beat the horseflies!
« Last Edit: November 28, 2022, 11:59:46 AM by SteveM »