I was struck by this when I first looked at the photo, but didn't know what it was. Now I know - the bike looks almost vintage to me. I'm not sure what it is, perhaps the logo's are now dated (in a very nice way) or maybe it is some other aspect. Did anyone else get the same sense?
It seems that a quality bike goes through about thirty years or so, similar to vintage automobiles. At first it's shinny and new, then used, then old junk, and then it mellows into a slow re-apreciation, and a steep value appreciation for a few out of the lot, when nostalgia strikes.
I wonder if, and then when, this may happen to some of the earlier Thorns? Certainly when the shop closes up, or is sold to a large less soulful enterprise. I hope Robin and company are all taking care of themselves, leading a stress free life, popping daily vitamins and looking forward to retiring very late in life.
Even if I stop cycling, I'll be keeping all my Thorns. They already trigger memories that glow to much to be at all accurate. But that is just fine.