And very nice it is too, Dan.
Mmm, I've just acquired a little lathe, hardly more than a toy to keep me amused until the wretched rain and gale stop and I can cycle again. It's like a grownup's Transformer, the metal lathe mutating into a wood lathe, vertical and horizontal mills, a jigsaw, and a sander and grinder. More like Lego than Mechano, actually; everything that isn't black is red (including the grease!), and it all fits together with expanding friction pieces in V-channels. If I like the 24W model, maybe I'll upgrade it with the 60W metal components also available. Beyond that, I probably need a man in a white coat to operate flycutters and suchlike dangerous gear. But meanwhile I might turn something simple in ali for my bike, like a seat post clamp, and a pen in wood or brass for my desk.