Just out of interest... How do the younger cycle tourists get out of this fantastical 35 miles wide cities: I'm talking about Mumbai,Delhi...big,big cities in China. Bangkok. Do they have these techno gizmos which guide them out. When I'm in a foreign city I get the train out. They seem to cycle out amongst a maze of belching lorries,taxis,buses,cars,scooters,pot holed roads. The filth and mayhem...all good stories and experiences to tell when younger?...or just plain daft?
I 'know' London and some other cities. Would take me 4 hours to break free from the 'hell-hole'...and I wouldn't expect to find a reasonable place to stay whilst travelling thru the asthma inducing concrete dump(and I speak the lingo). Sorry to all city dwellers: I live in a 'minor city'(to get out bush on any regular ride takes me 40 minutes. Unpleasant)