To the OP.....I have just had a quick Google to check that Salsa out. I love those dropouts....I can feel a Salsa drop bar/Rohloff (Marakesh ??) coming on.....What have you started ??!!!
Good luck with your search.... 
Be advised that dropouts with really high rack mounts add limitations to your rack selection. Thus, with that bike model, if you wanted a different brand of rack you could have difficulty getting a good fit. I learned that when I bought my Lynskey, the rack mounts were unusually high up on the chainstays, that means that my rear rack sits unusually high.
I have seen in print on several occasions that Salsa Marakesh was the first touring bike that came in both a "short" frame for drop bars and a "long" frame for flat bars. But that is a crock, Thorn had long and short frames for the different bar types for many years, possibly even before Salsa existed as a bike company.