Well, I was out yesterday on the Audax, first real venture. Not far, around 10 miles, but in pretty difficult circumstancs as far as I was concerned, heavy traffic, lots of road works, urban riding, tramlines . . . . Would have preferred something in more open country, but had things to do other side of Sheffield.
All went OK, the Audax was certainly easier up long moderate hills than the Sherpa (Shalesmoor to Broomhill if anyone knows Sheffield), and felt stable and predictable, comfortable, with none of the twitchiness that other dropped bikes I have tried demonstrated . . .
The ride served to convince me that the bars have to go. I was OK on the flats, a little too far forward on the hoods, and the drops . . . . . I felt most uncomfortable and vulnerable, I have got so used to having 2 - 3 fingers on the brake levers at all times . . . So downhill, I ended up a good bit slower than on the Sherpa. New Bontrager bars on the way, should arrive in a day or so. I chose them because my daughters Trek, one of the bikes I played around with, has them, and I got on with them much better even on an overall less comfortable frame.
It just goes to show that a showroom fitting, however carefully done, is no substitute for actual experience on the road.
So I'm persisting with the green machine, and should replace the bars this weekend . . . .I doubt if much else will be happening . . . .
Best wishes to everyone.