Hi Dave,
I have straight bars on my RST with Ergon MP1 grips and Cane Creek bar ends. I have also cut down the bars by about 1" either end. I prefer drops, however this setup I find pretty comfortable. Certainly the grips support your wrists and they make holding the bars very relaxing. The bar ends I use most of the time, trying to replicate riding on the hoods I suppose as it comes more naturally. Cutting the bar gives a narrower grip and profile which I prefer, however the brake levers are close together and although various people in our cycle group have commented I don't have a problem with it at all in use. Fitting a bar bag might be difficult though.
I saw some GR2 grips over the weekend in our local Edinburgh Bike shop but they didn't seem as comfortable as the Cane Creeks to me or as versatile. The Creeks give you a couple of different extra positions, which I'm getting used to now and like.