"Last ride of 2017?"
I'm off the bike for a few weeks (minor foot surgery), so a short ride up into the hills this past Monday may turn out to be my last of 2017. What a delightful trip it was, too: A warm day, temps in the low 20s, light breeze, mix of sun and cloud, and best of all, NO MOTOR VEHICLES on the roads in Gatineau Park. The park authorities had closed the roads last weekend, as per the usual practice. They'll reopen the roads to motor traffic sometime in early/mid-May next year. Cyclists might have another 4-5 weeks this year to enjoy the park sans autos, and the same next spring.
Of course it felt like the first day of the post-automobile revolution, a benign morning after the fading of the petro-age: dozens of cyclists on all manner of bikes, couples walking hand-in-hand, parents with little ones in strollers, joggers, inline-skiers, hikers, walkers with their dogs, and so on. Most cyclists seemed to be going about 75-80% or less, our dopey grins suggesting we could hardly believe our luck, lane discipline completely absent, people weaving all over the place, slaloming just for the pleasure of it. (The more common posture is over the bars, legs pumping, "Finish my ride and get home before I die!")
A few photos attached, showing How It Was.