Author Topic: A couple of things!!  (Read 5073 times)


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A couple of things!!
« on: December 30, 2016, 11:58:02 PM »
Little did I know how many dynamo lights were available to choose from when I started down the "dynamo hub road"!
Many thanks go to Dan who took time to answer so many of my questions.
At first I was only going to install a dynamo hub on my light tourer/randonneuring bike. But as I taking with my wife we decided to "pull the plug" and outfit our touring bikes also.
So I just finished putting together a good size order for Star Bike.
I am sure I will be tapping the wisdom here when I start in on the multiple installs.
And Happy New Year!!


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Re: A couple of things!!
« Reply #1 on: December 31, 2016, 01:15:57 AM »
Best of luck, Tom! You'll find a rich resource of experience here on the Forum, and a well-informed and friendly group who will be more thank happy to offer suggestions based on real-world, personal experience.

It surely *can* be confusing to choose the "right" light for your needs, but there's good news: There are more good lights available now than in the past, and it is harder and harder to go truly wrong.

New and improved products are being introduced and existing designs refined every six months to annually, so the perfect solution is likely either available or right around the corner.

One thing to consider a (head) light that incorporates gadget-charging capability -- or not. I made the choice to keep my lighting separate from my charging options so I could upgrade either element, but there's a good argument to go with all-in-one solutions as well (and a light with charging capability can be less expensive overall than separate solutions).

Happy New Year, happy cycling, happy buying!



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Re: A couple of things!!
« Reply #2 on: December 31, 2016, 01:32:50 AM »
At first I was only going to install a dynamo hub on my light tourer/randonneuring bike. But as I taking with my wife we decided to "pull the plug" and outfit our touring bikes also.
So I just finished putting together a good size order for Star Bike.

If they are all 700c, you can use the same dynohub wheel on the rando bike and touring bike, don't really need both unless you regularly use both bikes so much that swapping wheels would not be worth it. 


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Re: A couple of things!!
« Reply #3 on: December 31, 2016, 05:55:38 PM »
Alas the touring bikes are 26" and the rando 700c.


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Re: A couple of things!!
« Reply #4 on: December 31, 2016, 08:35:59 PM »
Alas the touring bikes are 26" and the rando 700c.

Same here.  But, at least I have the dynohub on a 26 inch bike where I need it the most.