I'm glad to hear that is a strong bag and well waterproof. I bought this bag handlebar for his capacity around 10 liters, it looks nice also with the small pocket in front. i hesitate with the "Ortlieb Ultimate6 L plus" but it doesn't have as much capacity (8.5 liters) and there is no pocket in front ^^
However, on my Axiom bracket, the footprint "anti loosening" of the nut is not well designed, the plastic is not enough strong to resist at loosening of the screw. So the nut turn inside when you want loosen the screw.
i have therefore made a spacer in aluminium to fix this problem.
As well, i bought this bag under the Name "Axiom randonnée 10" and on my bag it is written "Randonnée 11"
Is it the same for you ?