On my club tour which I want to change to flat bars I have cantis at present, so canti levers would be fine, just thought I might move to V brakes, but not critical.
My current set up is Nitto Grand Raundoneur bars, Tektro brake levers (for cantis) and shimano 9speed bar end shifters. All wrapped up with some brooks black leather tape.
Also have already removed from my Audax a set of Soma HWY ONE bars with shimano tiagra brifters (double/9 speed)
Further, I have a set of older Tiagra 9 speed triple brifters that I originally ran on the club tour, but I swapped these for the tektro levers and the bar end shifters as I preferred the feel of the tekro leverds over the shimano brifters.
I also have a variety of other drop bars including ITM, trigger bars and some really wide ones off a LHT.