Nice idea but crazy expensive, check the prices under 'tickets'
Well, dunno Ru. 75 quid for two nights camping and three meals, plus activities? I can't see how they could pull it off for much less, especially if they have to arrange ablutions blocks and catering, etc. I don't know what the layout's like there, but frankly, I was more interested in catching up with other members of this forum than attending the "events" they're planning anyway. (The grog bill would probably have exceeded the cost to attend!

But alas, it appears my plans (dreams, really) were too ambitious. We're expecting our fourth grandchild to be born in April, and it's been explained to me that my 2-3 month holiday planned for this northern summer will become permanent if I leave so soon after the baby's born!

(I don't know why it has to be this way. The kid will see plenty of me for many years.

I think Nanna is just too jealous to let me have a holiday without her!)
Our plans for another European tour have therefore been put on hold until 2016. The good news, however, is that we're planning on a trip to Yankeeland in late September through October this year. Our itinerary will include a visit to my sister on Long Island, NY, thence to Pittsburg for a 300 mile ride to Washington DC on the Great Allegheny Passage, thence to Boca Raton FL to visit my brother, before riding down to Key West and back.
And brace yourselves... I'm thinking about going Brompton for this trip!

The thought of so many bike-unfriendly planes, trains and automobiles makes me want to leave the Thorns home and CC tour. I've arranged for a loaner from my dealer mate, so we'll see. (Mrs. Sammy thinks they look ridiculous, so my options may already be limited...
