Super photos as always, Rual. Looks brisk, though, and I wouldn't much like tumble into the water.
Last week, I rode downtown along the river, and a young couple were taking photos of each other on a disused railway bridge about 15' above the water. Silently, I wished them well, and urged them not to fall in, as I really did not want to have to jump in & try to fish them out. The temps in the Ottawa River are OK for swimming from early June to mid-September; anything outside that period and you face hypothermia very quickly; and that, combined with the currents, mean your survival chances are slim. I grew up near dangerous water, and learned early on that railway bridges are to be avoided.
We're about 10 degrees above longterm averages here--last Friday, for example, we had a record high of 11 for the day. ("Normal" high would be -2; record low was -25, set in 1958.) Wet, but still no snow on the ground. Who knows?--I might yet manage another ride before winter arrives, other than errands around town.